Breakpad/Status Meetings/2014-02-26

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Revision as of 18:55, 5 March 2014 by Lonnen (talk | contribs) (→‎Ops Updates)
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Meeting Info

Breakpad status meetings occur on Wed at 11:00am Pacific Time.

Conference numbers:

   Vidyo: Stability 
   650-903-0800 x92 conf 98200#
   800-707-2533 (pin 369) conf 98200# 

IRC backchannel: #breakpad Mountain View: Dancing Baby (3rd floor)

Socorro Release Tracker
Socorro Bug Tracker


Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Target milestone Priority Status Resolution Whiteboard
497731 Ability to query for exploitable crashes and display the rating in supersearch [DEACTIVATED] Adrian Gaudebert 76 -- RESOLVED FIXED [sg:want] admin-panel search
915317 Display total volume of (Nightly) GC crashes over time Schalk Neethling [:espressive] 76 -- RESOLVED FIXED [QA+]
941358 403 when logging in while having a second tab open Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 76 -- RESOLVED FIXED
957301 Rewrite the Bugzilla Cronjob 76 -- RESOLVED FIXED
959153 add ability for the processor to SIGKILL the stackwalker K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 76 -- RESOLVED WONTFIX
967555 Add authentication for public API Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 76 -- RESOLVED FIXED
972970 Add annotation for which symbols were actually used in processing a dump (not currently active) Ted Mielczarek 76 -- RESOLVED FIXED
974696 is_gc_count not included in TCBS API Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 76 -- RESOLVED FIXED
975179 Expired API tokens are clearly shown as expires Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 76 -- RESOLVED FIXED
976088 Problem with logging and processed_crashes duplicate key violation Selena Deckelmann :selenamarie :selena 76 -- RESOLVED FIXED
976547 Puppet materials should adhere to a standard style guide Daniel Maher [:phrawzty] 76 -- RESOLVED FIXED
976674 Use minified files for d3 and nvd3 Schalk Neethling [:espressive] 76 -- RESOLVED FIXED [QA-]
976731 Using a valid API token should change how the rate limiter works Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 76 -- RESOLVED FIXED
976742 "No data available" message is clipped/obscured on the GC Crashes URL Schalk Neethling [:espressive] 76 -- VERIFIED FIXED
978363 RabbitMQCrashStorage failure in integration test K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 76 -- RESOLVED FIXED

15 Total; 0 Open (0%); 14 Resolved (93.33%); 1 Verified (6.67%);

PR Triage

Other issues

  • register for the work week

Ops Updates


other items

  • socorro3.db.phx1 disk issue being investigated for options to increase size bug 975814

PTOs, etc

  • selena out Feb 28/friday
