Firefox OS/Haida

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Haida is a program that aims to deliver a distinct user experience for Firefox OS based on the DNA of Mozilla and the Web. The program encompasses concepts and features that span multiple aspects of the OS and will span a number of software releases.

The features Haida will introduce are:

  • Edge gesture based navigation
  • Browser integration into system
  • Universal search & navigation
  • Customization framework including replaceable homescreen
  • Visual design refresh
  • Updated systems tray and notifications
  • Updated homescreen
  • New content model (bookmarks, etc)


Haida Phase 1

Phase 1 will deliver the foundation for most of the Haida capabilities including the following:

Edge Gestures Between Open Content

On other mobile platforms, apps are like sealed containers. It’s hard to move between them without going home. That doesn’t feel very fluid to us. So we’re creating a new system that uses edge gestures to move through open apps and sites seamlessly. Swiping from the left or right edges of the screen, I can open an email, respond to a new notification, go back to a previous page while browsing, or multi task between two open apps. And I can quickly swipe from the top to see all my open windows. This new system feels more like the best of the web: connected and fluid.

Browser Integration into System

Why is there a Firefox browser inside a Firefox phone? Why do we say "websites" go one place, while "apps" go another, when they're both just HTML/CSS/JavaScript? We felt strongly that there must be a more elegant, harmonious approach. So, in phase 1 of Haida we are unifying. 1) apps and sites are equal 2) search and browsing live in the system

Universal Search & Navigation

With the new search and navigation bar, I can get to my favorites, type in a URL, or discover a new app, from everywhere. The search bar lives at the top of the screen, and I just tap or swipe to open it. Think of it as the unification of the Awesome Bar from the browser and the adaptive app search from the homescreen. And because Firefox OS uses web apps, when I find what I want, even if it’s a new app, it opens right away. I don't need to install anything. Everything is instant and web-like.

Behind the scene, major work have started / will start

  • on platform side
    • Datastore API [bug 871445 - landed]
    • Shared workers [12 weeks - should be delivered early January 2014]
      • Tracking is on bug 916204
      • IDB in workers [24 weeks - should be delivered early March 2014]
    • Replaceable Homescreen [bug 898330 - should be delivered early January 2014]
    • Customizable Lockscreen [bug 898348 - not expected before phase 3]
    • Graphics improvement
  • on gaia side
    • Facebook Contacts will move to Datastore (bug 918827)
    • Bookmarks and History will move to Datastore (bug 937349)

UX Roadmap/ Specs

Below you will find the proposals for phase 1 as of Oct 10th. We will be posted updated specs as revisions are available. PLEASE NOTE THESE SPECS ARE WORK IN PROGRESS and do not reflect a committed state for FC for 1.3:

In addition, please refer to the UX team's breakdown of features, which is meant to be a matching pair to the technical roadmap above:

Haida Phase 2

Dev Roadmap

Nota bene: MWC will take place during this period. UI, UX and dev work may occur.

This version will introduce the Rocketbar and a new Homescreen.

  • Rocketbar (phase 1) will provide Datastores search (among user's bookmarks, history and facebook contacts) and hopefully Marketplace and search
  • Homescreen will take advantage of the work done for replaceable Homescreen.

Behind the scene

  • Apps will be refactored to take advantage of the sheets model for in-apps navigation.
  • Mail and Calendar move to Datastore use

UX Roadmap/ Specs

Working specifications for phase 2 to date (again, work in progress as of Oct 10th):

Haida Phase 3

This version will activate the full Haida concept.

  • Boosted Rocketbar
    • Search into and Marketplace
    • Search among exposed Datastores
    • Opensearch
  • In-apps navigation with sheets
  • Replaceable Homescreen
  • Customizable Lockscreen
  • New UI