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  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 8600
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 8600
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All-hands Status Meeting Agenda

Items in this section will be shared during the live all-hand status meeting.

Friends of Mozilla Friends of Mozilla

  • Big thanks to add-on reviewer Teo, who rolled up his sleeves and reviewed 64 add-ons last week! The add-on review queue currently has a wait time of 3 weeks, so if you have an add-on in the queue and would like to help it move along, please apply to be an add-on reviewer! https://wiki.mozilla.org/Marketplace/Reviewers/Addons
  • Big thanks to Rahid Hasan and Shafiul Azam for their superb help on developer landscape research for the Bangladesh market.
  • Kudos to the whole French MDN community who finished the translation of our 139 pages about HTML last week-end! It is the first locale to achieve this. Special thanks to Jerémie who animated the MDN workshop and to Clarista who organized the Locasprint. Nothing would have been possible without them.
  • Lots of upvotes to John Giannelos, Tasos Katsoulas, and Pierros Papadeas for continuing to improve Mozilla Moderator. It's gotten a lot of use recently with Town Hall meetings, and they have been hacking on it in their free time. The tool is a super way to organize topics for discussions that happen at scale. Thanks!
  • A GIGANTIC thank you to all the members of the localization community who have worked so hard this month localizing the Australis onboarding tours for new and existing users plus the new Firefox desktop product pages on mozilla.org for the Australis launch tomorrow. We really appreciate all your help creating a great user experience for Australis!!!!
  • A big THANK YOU to Michael Hung and the team at Mozilla Taipei for hosting a group of young Mandarin-speaking exchange students from the US, and for sharing Mozilla's mission, products, and passion with them. Check out the short video they created here: https://myfirefox.com.tw/videos/22159. If you will be in Northern California on Friday May 9th, and would be interested in sharing your knowledge about Mozilla with a team of ten year olds from Taipei, please email Pete Scanlon [pscanlon@mozilla.com] with the subject line "Taipei student visit"
  • A huge thank you to the entire working group (60+), with a special shout out to the core group of about 12, who helped create our new, Global Wellness Initiative which will be announced today.
  • Props and more props to the 21 volunteer and staff Mozillians whose hard work, passion, collaboration, and flexbility made last week's MozCamp design session such a success!

Upcoming Events

This Week

Monday, 28 April

Tuesday, 29 April

  • Firefox (29) launches at 6:00am PT! (in case you hadn't heard).
  • Infosecurity Europe, London, UK
    • Europe's largest free-to-attend security event
    • Simon Bennetts (Mozilla Security Team), panelist
    • More info here

Wednesday, 30 April

Thursday, 01 May

  • 10:00 AM Pacific / 17:00 UTC: Grow Mozilla discussion -- a forum for discussing community building at Mozilla
  • 12:00 PM noon Pacific / 19:00 UTC: Firefox Accounts and Sync in FF29 - a brownbag presentation describing Firefox Accounts and changes to the Sync setup process in Firefox 29. Live in San Francisco and on Air Mozilla.

Friday, 02 May

Saturday, 03 May

  • Open Source Conference Albania (OSCAL), Tirana, Albania
    • OSCAL is organized by Open Labs, a non-government non-profit organization, based in Albania, that aims to support and promote initiatives which provide tools that bring knowledge closer to those more in need.
    • Brian King (speaker), Redon Skikuli (speaker), Elio Qoshi (workshop host)
    • More info here
  • Mozilla Family Open House - Mountain View office from 3:00pm PT - 9:00pm PT. Please note that this event is for local Bay Area-based Mozillians and the important people in their lives. It is not a public event. RSVP deadline is today at 12:00pm PT.

Sunday, 04 May

Next Week

Project Status Updates (voice updates)

Firefox Desktop

Speaker Location: eeeeee (eeeeeee)

  • Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • Video!
  • (Eeeeeeee.)

Firefox Mobile

Speaker Location:

Firefox OS

Speaker Location:


Speaker Location:

Open Badges

Speaker Location:

Mozilla Science Lab

Speaker Location:

Mozilla Reps

Speaker: Rosana Ardila, Location: San Francisco

New council members elected:

  • Emma Irwin
  • Gauthamraj Elango
  • Arturo Martinez

Grow Mozilla

Speaker Location:


Speaker Location:


Speaker Location:

Firefox Marketplace

Speaker Location: Update only

  • Marketplace has passed a milestone - well over 1 million apps installed each month
  • Over 700,000 unique visitors a month
  • A special lighter-weight version of the Marketplace is being tested this week for pre-load on the Tarako device


Speaker Location: mjeffries, San Francisco

Conference Room Survey QR's are here! (Got feedback? give it to us!)

The conference room QR codes have been deployed to SFO, MTV, and LON. We should be finished by the end of this week. EUS wants to make sure your conference room experience is the best it can be, and giving us feedback is key.

MOC Update:

Last week, the MOC on average resolved 87 events per day, with an average time to resolve of less than 2 hours. Got MOC issues? let us help you.

NetOps Update:

NetOps is presently testing wireless improvements on the 7th floor of SFO which address wireless roaming issues for OS X machines. Results have been positive so far, and we'll keep you posted on our final observations.

Web Compat

Speaker Location: Oslo, Norway

Links: http://arewecompatibleyet.com http://webcompat.com

Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fSgaESsP9sHAmipry9C8G67vCVRlJ2mRDKI50UgMQNc/edit?usp=sharing


The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation. If you plan on showing a video, you need to contact the Air Mozilla team before the day of the meeting or you will be deferred to the next week.

Presenter Title Topic Location Share? Media More Details
Who Are You? What Do You Do? What are you going to talk about? Where are you presenting from? (Moz Space, your house, space) Will you be sharing your screen? (yes/no, other info) Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen Link to where audience can find out more information
Rachel Berenbaum and Michelle Marovich Recruiting Programs Recap 2013 and preview changes coming in 2014 Mountain View YES-- Rachel will https://mana.mozilla.org/wiki/display/globalstaffing/Recruiting+Home We aren't currently set up to host this info on the public wiki, as we expand the program that will change.
Jean Collings Community Engagement How you can help spread the word about Firefox on Tuesday and beyond. San Francisco No Tomorrow on launch day, visit https://webwewant.mozilla.org/#video - watch, share and interact!
Ibai Garcia SUMO How you can help users upgrading to Firefox 29. San Francisco No https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/answering-questions-support-forum https://etherpad.mozilla.org/SUMO-australis-launch
Bill Walker PDF.js PDF.js goes 1.0 and turns three! Mountain View No http://people.mozilla.org/~bwalker/pdfjs-infographic.pdf https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js
Alex Fowler Public Policy The Importance of Net Neutrality to the Open Internet San Francisco No https://wiki.mozilla.org/Netpolicy
Amy Tsay Community Manager Tip for building a culture of recognition MV No https://wiki.mozilla.org/Contribute/Recognition


Do you have a question about a Mozilla Project or initiative? Let us know by Friday- we'll do our best to get you an answer.

Please note that we may not always be able to get to every item on this list, but we will try!

Who are you? Area of question Question
What's your name? What do you work on? Is your question about policy, a product, a Foundation initiative, etc. What would you like to know?


Let's say hello to some new Mozillians! If you are not able to join the meeting live, you can add a link to a short video introducing yourself.

Introducing New Volunteers

New Volunteer(s) Introduced by Speaker location New Volunteer location Will be working on
Who is the new volunteer(s)? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where is the new person based? What will the new person be doing?

Introducing New Hires

Introducing New Interns

New Hire Introduced by Speaker location New Hire location Will be working on
Who is the new hire? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where will the new person be working from? What will the new person be working on?
Sean Lin Marco Chen Taipei office Taipei office Firefox OS
Lawrence Watson Jack Moffitt San Francisco Australia Research Engineer, Servo
Aimee Forsstrom Matt Grimes Portland Portland User Advocacy
New Intern Introduced by Speaker location New Hire location Will be working on
Who is the new intern? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where will the new person be working from? What will the new person be working on?
Johan Lorenzo Jason Smith Mountain View, CA Mountain View, CA Firefox OS QA
Ahmed Kachkach Clint Talbert San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Automation
Raluca Elena Podiuc Jonas Finnemann Jensen San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Performance
Brendan Zabarauskas Patrick Walton San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA Research


Notes and non-voice status updates that aren't part of the live meeting go here.

Status Updates By Team (*non-voice* updates)







Release Engineering


Test Execution


QA Community

Automation & Tools





Social Support