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This keeps track of what is (or was) cooking in Willie's kitchen.

Release Readiness Dashboard

Next Steps

  • Uncaught Error in thread: Error caused by (this._slice is not a function)"
  • To reproduce, go to the main page, click on any branch to start data pulling.
  • Notes: It happens during the rickshaw graphing stages. UGH.

30 January 2014

  • Qb->ES Translator done. JS module. Sends the request to ES directly.
  • i.e. qbQuery -> JS module -> bugzilla data (thanks Kyle!)
  • Scripts for sending qbQueries to ES and grabbing useful data.
  • Get all products. Foreach product, get all active branches. Foreach branch, get all queries.
  • View being compiled based on the resulting array. i.e. Dynamic.
  • Interactify the charts with legends and multiple plots.
  • i.e. Now shows zillaboy chewing while pulling data)
  • EDIT: I broke it again, chart not showing but pretty layouts are there.

25 January 2014

  • Store some Qb queries on the database with soft timestamps for "max".
  • Convert soft timestamps into current time. Done via custom helper function.
  • Retrieve the queries and have it placed on frontend in JSON as JS variable.

22 January 2014

  • Setup MySQL service on Stackato.
  • Schema is up on my local DB. (to put on Stackato later)
  • Production/Dev environments setup on codebase.
  • Models with basic CRUD functions are up.

21 January 2014

  • Put a sample ES query on development dashboard via Ajax request.
  • Linked up retrieved data to Rickshaw. Real Bugzilla data now showing on chart.

17 January 2014

  • Got Elastic Search to output correct data on REST client. We're using this.
  • Put a sample Rickshaw chart with fake data on the development dashboard.

In the near future

  • Adding your own queries for each branch.
  • Burn down charts that allows channel to channel comparison of different branches.
  • Aggregated scores for every branch that will indicate general release-readiness.
