
From MozillaWiki
< CloudServices
Revision as of 15:41, 11 June 2014 by Hannosch (talk | contribs) (Adjust meeting time to 10:30.)
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The objective of this project is to produce a minimum viable version of a Location Service for clients (devices or browsers) to determine their location based on ambient wireless network information.

The service is accessible at


The easiest way to help the Location project is by running the MozStumbler Android app to collect wireless network locations around your city. You can compete against other stumbler users on our Leaderboard and watch the project's progress on our stats and map pages.

Another way to contribute is to help implement new features and fix bugs in our MozStumbler Android app. The Java code and build instructions are on GitHub:


The "Mozilla Location Service" project is a pilot project to assess the impact Mozilla can have on the geolocation landscape, specifically to improve user privacy and enable innovation.

Geolocation lookup is a very useful service to provide to users. None of the current companies offering this type of service have any incentive to improve on privacy. Geolocation lookup and the potential for tracking the physical movement of individuals is a serious privacy issue.

Why Mozilla? The web platform needs the capability, and currently we have to provide it in our offerings through business deals without much impact on the privacy aspects of the service. We have a unique access to Firefox on lots of devices for gathering and reporting back data. We don't have to monetize the gathered data and can operate a public service. If we can run a successful service, we get leverage to improve the privacy aspects in the landscape.


Every project has some frequently asked questions.


  • Location Service Roadmap
  • Provide a highly accurate geolocation service for any device and in any country, based on publicly sent signal information (like cell towers, Wi-Fi, IP addresses).
  • Improve the privacy aspects of the geolocation service compared to the current market offerings.


Bug reporting

  • Bugs can be reported in the general Bugzilla tracker under the Mozilla Services :: Location component (for legal, operations, or unknown category)
  • A list of open bugs: Location bugs
  • If the bug is about the stumbler of server code or has a patch / pull request associated with it, you can use the github bug trackers for the two projects.


The team holds a weekly half hour meeting to discuss location client and service development:

  • Time: Wednesday at 10:30AM PDT / 13:30PM EDT / 6:30PM UTC.
  • Place: Vidyo room #geolocation (9429)
  • Phone (US/Intl): 1 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 9429#
  • Phone (Toronto): 1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 9429#

If you cannot join via Vidyo, you can call in via one of the phone numbers. Please mute yourself with '* 1' upon joining to prevent needless noise and feedback. You can unmute yourself with '* 1' again to speak.

  • Note: The meeting currently includes a fair amount of Mozilla internal talk, so we aren't currently inviting community contributors to it. We are still figuring out, if and how we should split the meeting into a public and private part.


Meeting Notes

Create a new weekly agenda from the template: <createbox> align=left type=create preload=CloudServices/Location/Template default=2024-09-25 prefix=CloudServices/Location/Meetings/ </createbox>

Past meeting notes