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Work In Progress

You can find more on upcoming feature plans in the[roadmap]


Release (127)
  • crash in java.lang.NullPointerException: at org.mozilla.gecko.home.TopSitesPage$EditPinnedSiteListener.onSiteSelected( (Bug 935542)
  • crash in @0x40098bd4 corrupt crash stack on x86 tablets Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 (Bug 983211)
Beta (128)
  • Edit mode not left when returning to content (Bug 917514)
  • HomeProvider: org.mozilla.gecko.sqlite.SQLiteBridgeException: Can't step statement: (5) database is locked (Bug 1006947)
  • [Fennec] [mr] Improper UI text rendering for leading character ॲ (U+0972) on Samsung Galaxy S4 device (Bug 1012365)
  • Telemetry probe for home provider database errors (Bug 1017778)
  • Lack of contrast on editing mode's 'X' button when using a lightweight theme (Bug 1019595)
  • Improve colors in remote tabs pull-to-refresh (Bug 1021123)
Aurora (54)


Nightly (129)
  • support add-on hot fixes (Bug 1004571)
  • Blacklist Top Sites suggestions that have been "removed" by user (Bug 1010266)
  • crash in js::GCMarker::drainMarkStack(js::SliceBudget&) (Bug 1011474)
  • crash in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid selection notification range: 0 to #, length: # at org.mozilla.gecko.GeckoEditable.onSelectionChange( (Bug 1011059)
  • Add a way to distinguish chrome hangs from content ones in BHR (Bug 1013326)
  • Distribution handling is triggered by ActivityChooserModel during initial startup (Bug 1014242)
  • Finish BrowserHealthRecorder initialization after distribution processing (Bug 1014283)
  • Polish button toast appearance (Bug 1019318)
  • First tap in the Marketplace page will open the same page in a new tab (Bug 1019613)
  • Undo close tab super toast blocks access to the address bar (Bug 1019735)
  • String bundles from .properties files don't reflect locale changes until browser restart (Bug 1020502)
  • Text selection action bar is invoked on long tapping a images in Google Images (Bug 1020995)
  • Record telemetry for browser database operations (Bug 1021922)
  • Regression: Removing Item from Reading List by tapping banner icon fails (Bug 1022238)
  • Fix suface stride calculation for 16-bit images (Bug 1023194)
  • Disable undo close tab toast for Fx32 (Bug 1023406)
  • Disable switch-to-new-tab button toast for Fx32 (Bug 1023407)
  • No way to remove dynamic panel added by home feeds add-on (Bug 1023544)
  • Empty state image cut off (Bug 1023914)