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This page is to help diagram all the various things the A*Team has built and continue to support.

The plan is to draw high level components/systems, and links between them, so it is easier to see how all the parts work together. Hopefully this diagram will be clickable so the reader can get more detail on each of the components.

Something like what RelEng has, but without all the internals.

History (blah blah blah..)

My name is Kyle Lahnakoski, and I joined the A*Team in April 2013.

When I started, the plan was to improve the alerting mechanism in Datazilla. Jmaher and jeads were kind enough to give me an overview of the various systems surrounding Datazilla. I drew my notes and diagrams on paper, and for months I carried my "secret decoder" so I could talk reasonably intelligently about the various A*Team systems and how they connected.

It is late June 2014 now, and my notes are long lost. I recently had a request from another team's member (:avih) about how dzAlerts fits into the greater ecosystem. In a recent meeting jgriffin mentioned it would be nice to have a summary of all the great things the A*Team works on and supports.

I would like to draw another not-so-secret decoder, but this time with everything!

Please help by adding the A*Team systems to The List below

The List

Use the EMPTY TEMPLATE to add more entries. Include ones you know about, even if you can not fill them.


  • Docs - some wiki, or read the docs to learn more
  • Code - link to code, if it makes sense
  • Contact - for ekyle to contact if he has questions
  • Inputs -
    • automated resources
    • services consumed
  • Outputs/Services
    • automated services provided
    • dashboards (and teams that consume them)


  • Docs -
  • Code -
  • Contact -
  • Inputs
  • Outputs/Services



  • Docs -
  • Code -
  • Contact -
  • Inputs
  • Outputs/Services



  • Docs -
  • Code -
  • Contact -
  • Inputs
  • Outputs/Services



Can be referred to as what is run by buildbot or by tbpl since this is the only performance test run on our per revision CI system. Other tools are run at a different cadence.



  • Docs -
  • Code -
  • Contact -
  • Inputs
  • Outputs/Services

Graph Server

  • Docs -
  • Code -
  • Contact -
  • Inputs
  • Outputs/Services

Orange Factor



Review Board

  • Docs -
  • Code -
  • Contact -
  • Inputs
  • Outputs/Services

TBPL (for the sake of history)

  • Docs -
  • Code -
  • Contact -
  • Inputs
  • Outputs/Services


BMO/ES Cluster

