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All Engagement Offsite, July 2014

Location & Dates

  • Bay Area - Chaminade Resort & Spa, Santa Cruz

1 Chaminade Lane, Santa Cruz, CA 95065 | Phone Number: 831-475-5600

  • Dates: July 8-10 (Monday and Friday are travel days)
  • Climate: It was HOT at the Chaminade at our last offsite in January. And, yes this is California. But, June and July have a history of wind, cold and fog on our norther coastline. Pack layers. Be ready for foggy mornings, hot afternoons and cold evenings.
  • Misc: The Chaminade is a full resort. Hiking trails, a full gym, tennis courts and a pool are for our use. Bring what you need to take advantage of the property.
  • Reserved rooms
    • Big Room: Santa Cruz
    • Break out rooms: La Selva, New Brighton, and Capitola



Early Morning Early Morning Activities
8:30-9:45 Offsite Kick & quick break
9:45-11:00 Goal Share and Call to Action
11:00-11:15 Transition & quick break
11:15-12:00 Speed Rounds- Building an Engagement Calendar
12:00-12:15 Integrated Project Planing Tool
12:15-12:30 Wrap Up
12:30-1:15 Lunch
1:15-3:00 Functional team meeting time in Breakouts
3:00-3:30 Snack
3:30-5:00 Functional team meeting time in Breakouts
5:15-6:30 Guest Speaker: Chris Beard
6:30-8:00 Dinner
8:30 on Evening Activities


Early Morning Early Morning Activities
9:00-12:00 Integrated Teams Meet
12:00-12:45 Lunch
1:00-2:15 Guest Speaker (TBA)
2:30-3:30 Open Sessions/Open Time (over snack time)
3:00-3:30 Snack
3:30-5:00 Skill Sessions (4 Topics and descriptions TBA)
5:30-7:00 Onsite Wine Tasting and Social Event
7:00-8:30 Dinner
8:30 on Evening Activities


Early Morning Early Morning Activities
9:00-10:00 Lightning Talks-sign up here!
10:00-1:00 Functional Team Meeting Time- and Lunch Together
12:00-1:00 Lunch with your Team
1:00-3:00 Integrated teams report on their work
3:00-3:30 Snack
3:30-4:30 Open Sessions/Open Time
5:00-6:30 Outdoor Games
7:00-8:30 Dinner
8:30 on Evening Activities

Schedule FAQ

How is the schedule set up?

The schedule is a combination of us all together in the "big room", breakouts with the integrated or cross-functional teams you work with, breakouts with your functional team (eg Brand, Sumo etc) and open time. The planning group tried to meet your request to have lots of time with your functional teams and time for you to talk about what matters most to you in the Open Sessions and Open Time. Also, if you don't work on an Integrated team, for some of us we'll be asked to join one to see what we can do together.

How will I know where stuff is happening?

Many of the sessions listed in the Schedule are linked to a G-doc where you can see descriptions of sessions, see what's going on, sign up to lead stuff, participated, shape and lead social stuff or see where your or other groups are meeting.

I'd like to own something, what do I do?

click the hot links in the schedule and find something to lead. Dinners are open for "ownership" so if anyone wants to shape an experience for dinners that help us grow or know each other in a new way, please sign up!

What about fun stuff?

Fun Stuff can be found on the links for Early Morning Activities, Dinners and Evening Activities. Nothing in the Doc? Add your ideas there!

Is there open time?

Yes. Two specific sections in the schedule are reserved for Open Sessions and Open Time. Open sessions will be an opportunity to get into groups quickly and do some stuff together (sign ups will be in the hall onsite) or you can use that time for 1:1's, booking that face to face with a core group you never see or taking a breather.

What are Open Sessions, how do I host one?

Onsite there will be large post-its on the wall each day. You can sign up to lead a session on the day.

What's up with Dinners?

Dinners (and Breakfast and Lunch) will all be in the dining room downstairs. In the schedule you'll see open documents where you can sign up to do something awesome at dinner. Have a game you want to play? Want to share something? Do it at dinner and sign up so we know it's coming.

I'll be doing stuff in Cross functional/Integrated and Functional teams?

Yes. Integrated teams are attached to a goal or project within a goal. Functional teams are the group you live in every day. Brand, SUMO or other. We've tried to build in lots of time for you to be with your Functional team to do what you need to do. And, we know that cross functional time is important too. Are you visiting from another Function withing MoCo or MoFo? Adopt a team as you Functional Team for the week, of float!

There are skill sessions. Do I have to pick only one?

Yes. We have room in the schedule for 4 simultaneous 90 minute sessions. You'll have to pick one. But, you may, of course, get into one course and realize it's not for you! Get up and go to the one you think fits you best. On the live link in the schedule you'll find the short abstracts. It's be great if you signed up- it helps the facilitators know what to expect.



Carpool rides etherpad - add your name to offer or get a ride with someone


Bus rides etherpad - add your name if you need to use our mighty fine shuttle

Arriving into SFO: We have 18 people arriving into SFO on July 7 prior to 3pm (and 12 people arriving on July 6). We will have a 1-56 passenger bus departing Mozilla SF Office at 7pm for Chaminade. An etherpad signup form should be use. We have 4 people arriving after 3pm on July 11 – we are arranging 2 cars – 1 at 9pm for the 805pm and 9pm arrival and 1 at 10pm for the 935pm and 1000pm arrival.

Arriving into SJC: We have 9 people arriving into SJC on July 11 prior to 3pm. We will have 1-56 passenger bus departing Mozilla MV office at 7pm for Chaminade. An etherpad signup form should be use. We have 2 people arriving after 3pm – a separate car will be arrange for 1 @ 620pm and 1 @ 937pm

Departing SFO: We have 23 people departing SFO after 1pm. We will have 1-56 passenger bus departing Chaminade for Mozilla SF office at 8AMWe have 5 people departing before 10am. I will need to have 1 car @ 3am for a 615am departure/ 1@ 515am for 1-815am, 2-835am and 1 940am departures

Departing SJC: We have 5 people departing SJC after 12:00pm. We will have 1-56 passenger bus departing Chaminade for Mozilla MV office at 9:00AM We have 4 people departing SJC before 12:00pm. We will need to have 2 cars – 1@ 500am for the 7am departure and 1@ 730am for 3 departure between 951am and 1030am