8.24.2010 Weekly Meeting

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  • Firefox Mobile QA
  • August 24, 2010, 8:00am PDT, 6:00pm Romania
  • Dial-In Numbers
    • 1-800-707-2533
    • pin 369
    • Conf# 245 (US)


  • Matt, Mozilla
  • Tony, Mozilla
  • Aakash, Mozilla
  • Juan, Mozilla
  • Adriana, Waverley
  • Vlad, Waverley
  • Ioana, Waverley
  • Patti, Waverley


  • Status
  • Issues/Other
  • Upcoming Schedule


  • Status
    • firefox
      • juan updates that firefox releasing to beta audience today
      • vlad ran tests from the trunk builds, has no available builds, they will come later this morning so they'll be available to lad tomorrow
      • javascript errors that are blockers, had to fail like 80% of plugin tests because of these problems. they are unconfirmed. hadn't seen these issues until the most recent 2 builds
        • 535318, flash window flickering, old bug
        • 493391, another flickering bug
        • tony suggests to go ahead and confirm them, add build ID and his repro steps
      • can videos of the desktop be added as attachments to the bugs? vlad has a hard time taking screen shots to show bugs. tony recommends jing (http://www.techsmith.com/jing/), records up to 5 minutes. quicktime has a built in screen recording, tony thinks. but that's a fine idea in general.
    • fennec update
      • aakash says not much to update
      • sanity checks
      • adriana reports it doesn't work well on N900
      • she hasn't logged any bugs yet, aakash says to go ahead and log them
      • she's already updated the wiki page for today
      • it's an alpha build, maybe some known issues should be added to the release notes
    • ioana started ramp up this week, will be ready to jump into testing next week
    • ady ordered the droid device
    • juan asks how long the team is generally in the office after the call, adriana says about half an hour but they can stay later if needed for something specific.
  • Issues/Other
    • none
  • Upcoming Schedule
    • no changes

Action Items

  • none