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meeting notes, engineering meeting for apps, 2011-10-11 Anant

   started porting old Soup to PhoneGap
   "Add to Home Screen" done
   not dealing with permissions in Q4
   getting Soup back to where it was but with PhoneGap
   stretch goal: integrate browserID (blocker bug into dev server this week?)
   soon: get the Egg working ASAP; anant not to worry about encryption


   we seem to be set around Q4 goals
   still working through the details of invitation-only launch and mechanism
   target: developers, mozillians, friends and family

David C

   unit tests wrapped up, running in continuous integration
   jenkins url available for kiosk!
   building an appstore-like process within noderun.js for integration test (aka mozmill)

Mike Hanson

   much discussion around interactions between identity and app receipts
   we wanted a Q4 pseudonym system, that seems unrealistic
   instead, propose a unique ID in the receipt and app servers phone home to verify
       requires calling back to the store to validate
       means no email available for app to contact user
       makes it slightly easier to steal the app
       may require changes to the receipt verification services in the app store
   spec coming for in-app purchases of AMO, not a feature of the platform
       requires the PIN mode of paypal's pre-auth
   behind schedule on getting legal for in-app payments SHOWSTOPPER
       need legal boilerplate between AMO and user (Ragavan will own)
   stripe is using cross-document messaging to avoid having card info on your server
       but US only and not ready for us
   sauropod kick off meeting, doing literature review
       NSA proposed to open source their key-value store to apache foundation

Ian Bicking

   getting ready to do the sync stuff; testable API between sync service and Egg
   first implementation in python; Tarek may also have relevant expertise

Tim Abraldes

   merged develop in the feature app native branch, broke the windows demo, FIXED
   will submit it back
   will rearrange to avoid putting wrong binaries in the wrong package
   cleaning up native app branch
   we need one uninstaller for every app we install (ADD TO Bill's DIAGRAM)
   we need UX feedback about install experience -- talk to Faaborg

Will Clouser:

   store is working, sent email to Ragavan about apps to try buying
   testing requires credentials for sandbox, not a pleasant testing experience
   concerns: browserID status not clear (Dan Mills and David Clarke to follow up)
   prefer to set up browserID for both AMO and App Store

Raymond Forbes:

   security team, working with Wil and Andy on paypal integration
   architecture looks pretty good; haven't looked at code you
   mostly extensions of what we already have in AMO
   recommendations about logging and authentication

Dan Walkowski

   dental surgery


   pivotal tracker
   security review needs to have larger picture of device API's
   need to figure out browserID login for desktop firefox login
   more frequent check-ins