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P1 Firefox OS Basecamp

  • Significant Updates
  • Questions and Concerns
    • Privileged Apps remain theoretical
    • Karen's notion of a "plain" packaged App as an alternative to appcache
  • Feedback Triage

P2/3 Other Projects

  • Significant Updates
  • Questions and Concerns


Telefonica Release

  • milestone this Friday, November 23
  • feature complete? unclear what it represents

Preinstalled Apps

  • kward has deliveries for preinstalled apps
  • we need to coordinate with B2G/Gaia teams
  • kward managing that conversation across all companies


  • we need to make sure we complete payments work
  • most of that is not happening on client
  • document provided by rfant has raised our concerns
  • appears to be the case that we have new agreement with Deutsche Telekom
  • pmpcat will reach out to identify commitments with DT
  • Deutshe Telecom code complete/code drop December 21
  • -> pmpcat to loop dbialer and kward into meetings on DT


  • some runtime components are not yet done
  • like signing and updating of privileged apps
  • bsmith is working on signing; getting really close
  • still some differences between client and server code
  • whole team is meeting daily to triage
  • -> pmpcat to make sure jsmith is in the loop on work being done to complete signing of apps
  • server team has complete signing chain for signing app and client verifying signed app
  • one missing piece was identified; team is scrambling to complete it

privileged apps

  • current model is that non-certified apps can get removed by user
  • but there are preinstalled non-certified apps that we don't want to be removeable
  • privileged apps that can't be uninstalled is not part of the current model
  • so we probably need to make those apps be certified
  • as the bar for new functionality right now is extremely high
  • unclear that Mozilla will be shipping updates directly to anyone
  • OEMs and carriers will be on the hook for shipping updates
  • which means it'll be their responsibility to update preinstalled apps
  • if those preinstalled apps are certified so as not to be removeable
  • kward working with TEF on certified apps and their locations on the grid
  • we have to do some QA work before we hand off to TEF


  • the initial timeline for v1.1 was just created
  • DT release
  • more information will be available next week

packaged apps on Android

  • bugs filed, there is activity
  • signing process is the same as it is for Firefox OS


  • mushi has been working on a new desktop design
  • mhanratty has been working on a UX flow for Send to Phone from desktop
  • rfant has decided to re-enable installation of apps on desktop


  • pmpcat to loop dbialer and kward into meetings on DT
  • pmpcat to make sure jsmith is in the loop on work being done to complete signing of apps