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P1 Firefox OS Basecamp

  • Significant Updates
    • Warning: Design bugs coming on:
      • Identity legacy site support
      • Single source of truth of mini-manifest vs. webapp manifest
      • entry points app manifest - risk vs. support?
    • Packaged Apps : Managing regional builds (including preloads)
  • Questions and Concerns
    • Hard dependencies for packaged apps for marketplace --> client isn't a confirmed understanding
    • Red flag called on packaged apps testing in platform meeting due to marketplace + client dependencies called out
  • Feedback Triage
  • Triaging of Marketplace bugs which are nominated as basecamp blockers

P2/3 Other Projects

  • Significant Updates
  • Questions and Concerns
    • Can the rule about not supported prefixed APIs on a release channel impact the usefulness of privileged apps on Android?


Design Issues in B2G leading to potential descope / deprioritization

  • Identity
  • App Manifest property "entry points"
  • single source of truth (mini-manifest vs. packaged app manifest)
  • need to email the relevant mailing list or associated people with list of bugs or thread displaying problems
  • can also have a meeting - Jason to target resources and teams - Caitlin can help facilitate

Packaged Apps: (Preloads per region)

  • Will not be branching code as previously expected
  • Tool will be built (Donovan) to help regional operators select the preinstalls they want
  • Need to identify the other regional customizations
    • pre-loaded Apps
    • regional settings - default region, time, formats
    • carrier specific settings

End-to-End User Stories

  • Jason needs whole pacakged and signing system to work to test against
  • let's land the user stories we can land as code complete
  • Integration bugs:
  • Signing - unblocked with desktop build so Brian can test his patch
  • Hosting Zip File: are there canonical places to host each version (single url to download)?
    • URL to zip files are versioned
    • mini-manifest always points to latest version's zip file

Security Updates: Packaged Apps

  • Patch will be done - security review on Friday for client side
  • security review planned for 3rd Party Preinstalled apps
  • Infrastructure / Ops security review (talk to Toby)

Concern that we are not triaging bugs in Marketplace

  • jsmith to schedule triage with clouserw, krupa


  • clouserw to get Rob to send specification for URL to Donovan
  • Caitlin to schedule meeting on packaged apps versioning and updating (Fabrice, Donovan, Jason, Wil, Rob,... )
  • Caitlin to schedule same / 2nd meeting to discuss how to review packaged app updates (Lisa B, Jonas)