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This document describes the modus operandi for the product development process of the Apps WebRT team.

Fennec Native



Name Role
Jen Arguello WebRT Product Manager
Brian Dils WebRT UX lead
Harald Kirschner WebRT Android Engineering Lead
Jason Smith Apps QA
Brad Lassey Mobile acting Product Manager/Tech
Erin Lancaster Mobile Program Manager
Mark Finkle Mobile Engineering Lead
Aaron Train Mobile QA


Planning Phase
  • Product management leads requirements and user story creation for upcoming milestone
  • Product Management files user stories in bugzilla as meta bugs.
* Product: Fennec Native
* Component: Web Apps
* Keyword: meta
* Target Milestone: <target milestone>
* CC:,,
* Description: Include all user flows and requirements
  • WebRT team and Fennec team review meta bugs
  • WebRT Product Manager and Mobile Program Manager create implementation bugs that block the meta bugs
  • Use keywords for more information
* uiwanted - UX input needed
* productwanted - product input needed
* urwanted - user research input needed
  • WebRT Team hold weekly triage on bugs (Day TBD)
  • Apps Ecosystem Engineering team weekly meetings on Tuesday, 9 AM PST.
  • Bugs should use this keyword convention
    • uiwanted - UX input needed
    • productwanted - product input needed
    • urwanted - user research input needed
  • Regular review by WebRT team on bugs
    • Useful query examples:
    • Open P1 Bugs needing product info for Fx 14: Click here
    • Open P1 Bugs needing UX info for Fx 14: Click here
    • Open P1 Bugs needing UR info for Fx 14: Click here
  • WebRT team attends Fennec triage meetings

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