Auto-tools/Projects/Firefox UI Tests

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The Firefox UI tests are a collection of integration tests mainly for testing the user interface of Firefox. The tests and its harness are based on the Marionette testing framework, and enhances it for Firefox Desktop specific behavior, e.g. it adds a page object model aka Firefox-Puppeteer.


This project is maintained by the Automation Crew, and the primary contact is Henrik Skupin.


The goal of this project is to increase the test coverage for new features in Firefox Desktop. Especially for those features which cannot be covered by any other existing test suite. To achieve that we will also have to continuously improve our harness and firefox-puppeteer page object model.

We want that test development will become as easy as writing manual tests. Therefore we only want to make use of synchronous test steps, and don't force the user to understand the DOM of the browsers interface.

Dependencies / Who will use this

For every feature enhancement which cannot be directly done in our own harness, we have to work together with the developers for Marionette.

The users will be:

  • Firefox QE


We welcome contributions to Firefox UI Tests! We track issues inside the Firefox UI Tests component on Bugzilla, see below for a list of open bugs.

If you have a question, jump on #automation on and look for whimboo, or maja_zf.

Source and docs

More information about the tests and how to run those can be found in the Mozilla Developer Network.

Active and Planned Projects

The currently most important projects for the firefox-ui-tests are the following:

  • Bug 1272236 - Let Mozmill-ci execute functional and update tests for Nightly builds on Linux64 via TaskCluster
  • Bug 1272228 - Make Firefox-ui-tests results from TaskCluster Tier-1 or Tier-2 on Treeherder
  • Bug 1272145 - Move Firefox-ui-tests from testing/firefox-ui-tests/tests to individual browser/toolkit components

Bug Table

Full Query
ID Priority Component Summary Assigned to
1759653 P3 Firefox UI Tests Consider merging firefox-ui tests with Marionette
1849844 P5 Firefox UI Tests Intermittent [tier 2] testing/firefox-ui/tests/functional/safebrowsing/ TestSafeBrowsingNotificationBar.test_notification_bar | marionette_driver.errors.TimeoutException: Navigation timed out after 300000 ms
1613386 -- Firefox UI Tests [meta] Remove Firefox-UI tests

3 Total; 3 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);