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// For 2015/05/13


Off plan

   Hermes PTO (5/8, 5/25 ~ 5/29)
   Teri PTO (5/20~6/4)
   Alison PTO (6/1~6/5)
   Johan bank holidays (5/1,  5/8, 5/14), PTO (5/15)
   Josh PTO (5/29)
   Delphine in Utah for l10n workweek Wed. 13 - won't attend meeting
   Kevin T PTO (5/15)
   US : Memorial Day - May 25 : need help for coverage on this day

2.2 Feature work

2.2 Smoketests

2.2 Stability


      • nexus5-l: avg: 36.8 hours
        • Bug 1154629 - [MTBF][Nexus5-L] adb crashed after running MTBF for a while
          • use adb wait-for-device
        • Bug 1155490 - [MTBF][Nexus5-L][Camera] Crash at


          • Got 2 local fixed libraries.



  • Tester: Delphine, localizers, Marigold
    • Health Status:
    • Details:

3.0 Smoketests

3.0 Exploratory

  • Tester: Peter Bylenga


  • [nhirata] more on work week : https://etherpad.mozilla.org/whistler-QA
  • [nhirata] Aries - L is being worked on in Taipei
  • [nhirata] Aries - KK - working on smoke tests / dogfood w/ QAnalysts
  • [nhirata] b2g a-team/releng : pvtbuilds to taskcluster (as seen in line 87 ) ; this will break any current scripting or automation that uses pvtbuilds
    • meeting tomorrow w/ James Lal; will update weekly status and send email
  • [nhirata] IT : ldap authentication to S3 authentication ; this will break any current automation or scripting that use ldap authentication
    • meeting tomorrow w/ James Lal; will update weekly status and send email

This Week - Decisions & Action Items