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This is a weekly meetup to discuss all things regarding B2G automation and Quality. Please use wiki style.

Q1 2015 Goals

2.2 - (OS QA (in Taiwan)

    • Support the stability of 2.2 branch with focused test runs, qawanted, bug triage, and daily smoke tests (manual and automation)
    • Support new feature testing
    • Manage the release out the door until CC date, and hand off to Devices QA team into Q2.

3.0 - (OS QA (in US/EU)

    • Automation goals:
      • Re-evaluate the smoke tests on v3 that will be needed for automation in javascript
      • Focus on getting existing Gij tests running against the lab of devices
      • Creating a set of best practices on creating JS gaia-UI automation tests
      • Focus on getting smoke tests running against the lab of devices (could be a combination of Gij, python, or JS tests).
    • Support the stability of master with focused test runs, qawanted, bug triage, and daily smoke tests (manual and automation)
    • Support lightweight dogfooding program off of nightly
    • Develop feature testplans when features are concrete


Previous Action Items

[Tony] request v18D-1 with adb enabled access from T2M

[Tony] MarionetteJS bugs from James

    • Geo to follow up. (Bhavana followed up, Geo and Bhavana to meet w/ James)
  • [jlorenzo] Bug 1122119 - Leave a phone shallow flashed running on the clock the entire night and see if it crashes.
  • [Peter] Draft a proposal for Developer Status and present it to QA Owners initially
    • Spreadsheet proposed to reference all apps/areas and where they are in the dev cycle
      • Add column if it's stable to automate
        • Done, will be using spreadsheet for 3.0 work when it's ready
  • [Bebe] When should we update to v18D-1
    • Geo to follow up with releng to know what we're bundling -- are we frankenbuilding?
      • Verified that 18D was being used as the bundle base. Phones have been moved to that base.

Status Highlights

  • [Bebe] Created mozilla-central nightly builds
  • [Geo] Qanalyst access granted to VPN, verifying connectivity with them today
  • [Geo] More kernel level changes committed, please escalate any lab phone crashing issues ASAP and loudly. Any info you can grab to bracket failures would be useful.

This Week - Decisions & Action Items