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LabsLogo.png Betafarm Roadmap
Owner: Paul Osman Updated: 2011-08-31

Betafarm is the new home for Mozilla Labs, Foundation and Research projects on the web. It is an attempt to present a single reference point for all innovation projects at Mozilla.

Betafarm is written in Python and uses the Django web application development framework.

Get Involved

Our code is in Github. We are using Github issues and Pivotal Tracker to track our work. Discussion about Betafarm should be directed to the Mozilla Labs Google Group.


There are a number of features we would like to see in Betafarm:

  • hosted a series of challenges for the Knight Mozilla News Technology Partnership. This functionality should be ported to Betafarm so that projects can launch challenges to collect ideas and feedback from the community.
  • Enhancements to the Events section of Betafarm. A user should be able to find events in their area, and RSVP to those events, possibly integrating with a 3rd party event management system (e.g. Lanyrd, EventBrite).
  • Users should be able to search projects, users, events, etc.
  • Projects should be able to specify ways that people can get involved (e.g. testers, developers). Users should be able to easily find interesting projects that they can meaningfully contribute to.

The following is a breakdown of features by quarter. Note that things will likely move around depending on resources, external dependencies, etc.

Q3 Priorities

  • Allow project members to edit their own projects.

Q4 Priorities

Challenge functionality (hard deadline: beginning of Nov)

  • Project members should be able to launch a challenge. A challenges has a title, description, guidelines for submissions, and a start date / end date.
  • Users can make submissions to a challenge. A submission has a title and description. The description should allow some limited HTML with support for image uploads and video embedding.
  • Some mechanism should be provided for reviewing challenge submissions and selecting a winner or winners.

Event Enhancements

  • A user should be able to easily discover events in their area.
  • A user should be able to filter events by location and date.
  • Event functionality should integrate with a popular 3rd party event management system if possible (e.g. EventBrite, Lanyrd, Plancast).


  • As the list of projects, blog posts, users, events, challenges with a presence on Betafarm grows, it'll become necessary to allow users to search and filter.
  • Consider categories and tags for projects, users, events, etc.
  • Search should be intuitive. If a user starts typing "Project", we should assist by auto-populating a keyword that limits the results to projects (for example).