Bina Nusantara University CEAFO 2011

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CEAFO 2011


The event will start on 2011/12/19 09:00:00 AM till 2011/12/22 05:00:00 PM.


Jakarta, Indonesia, APAC


This event is owned by Z3MN


It is estimated that 100-500 people will be at the event.


CEAFO (Computer Engineering All For One) by HIMTEK (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Elektro) Bina Nusantara is a four days event, talks about cloud computing, computer virtualization, robotic, etc. There are presentations, discussions, robotic contest and exhibition.

Bugs Associated

Budget ticket : 707603
Swag ticket : 707603


Event Website :

<ul><li>"{{{eventdate}}}" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.</li> <!--br--><li>"{{{eventdays}}}" is not a number.</li> <!--br--><li> "{{{http" has not been listed as valid URI scheme.</li></ul>
