Breakpad/Status Meetings/2010-Mar-17

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Current Issues

  • We've got a Product Manager
    • welcome Laura
  • Sunday NFS failure
    • 9.5 hours of crashes lost
    • restore from HBase to NFS is stalled Bug 552539
      • data is there, just can't seem to read it
      • Bug 552983
  • We've got a mailing list (
  • QA
    • WebUI first - test plan coming
    • Will cover BFT, basic security testing
    • Browser compatibility - Fx only?



  • we need to have a policy about spontaneous skiplist requests
    • Bug 552766
      • doesn't have the "crashkill" keyword
      • unclear if they want "ignore", "compound", or something new
    • Bug 549983
      • still no clarification from the submitter