Breakpad/Status Meetings/2011-May-04

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  • Will hold app changes and config changes (lars' work) and merge to trunk the day after 1.7.8 pushes
  • How to test
    • There are now firewall holes from khan -> stagedb and stage hbase, if you need lots of data to test.
  • bugs

Build/release channels

  • laura met with smooney and marcia to discuss.
  • General points:
    • Need to expose the releasechannel in the crash UI (bug 649432) - need to push this ASAP
    • Most likely:
      • Topcrashers should be based on version + buildid for betas and finals
      • Aurora and nightlies should work like current nightlies
    • ADUs are available by buildid

Problem: buildids are not unique. See:


  • Status update - adrian + rhelmer
  • Need to order boxes, basically the same as current prod ES cluster.
    • How will we stage? DEinspanjer 11:03, 4 May 2011 (PDT) We have a 3 node staging cluster for the short term.

Other issues

  • Extraction script requirements for Postgres miniDB
  • Happy birthday Lars!
  • vagrant VM dev scripts github