Breakpad/Status Meetings/2013-October-30

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Meeting Info

Breakpad status meetings occur on Wed at 11:00am Pacific Time.

Conference numbers:

   Vidyo: Stability 
   650-903-0800 x92 conf 98200#
   800-707-2533 (pin 369) conf 98200# 

IRC backchannel: #breakpad Mountain View: Dancing Baby (3rd floor)

Socorro Release Tracker
Socorro Bug Tracker


  • Should ship forced correlations today
  • Anything else low risk?
  • bugs
Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Target milestone Priority Status Resolution Whiteboard
557234 [skiplist] Add nsACString_internal::Assign to socorro skiplists K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 65 -- RESOLVED FIXED
778863 [socorro-crashstats] URL table on report/list hard to copy because of cut-off lines Schalk Neethling [:espressive] 65 -- VERIFIED FIXED [qa+]
874520 Allow searching for only reports with comments [DEACTIVATED] Adrian Gaudebert 65 P4 RESOLVED FIXED [search]
880048 adjust pig cronjobs to ssh to remote server Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] 65 -- VERIFIED FIXED [qa-]
899641 Support Windows 8.1 (Windows NT 6.3) reporting Selena Deckelmann :selenamarie :selena 65 -- VERIFIED FIXED [qa-]
909572 Re-enable explosive report in web UI Shuhao 65 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa+]
913126 [stage][prod] Advanced Search: No results returned for 24.0b [DEACTIVATED] Adrian Gaudebert 65 P1 VERIFIED FIXED [fromAutomation][stage][prod][qa+]
917025 [prod] reports/list seems not to support rapid betas [DEACTIVATED] Adrian Gaudebert 65 P1 VERIFIED FIXED [qa+]
921281 Signature Summary for per-install data lists product multiple times Brandon Savage [:brandon] 65 -- RESOLVED FIXED
923807 Make all signature summary reports respect product and version(s) if provided. Brandon Savage [:brandon] 65 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa+]
927505 Update forced versions for correlations for Firefox cycle starting 2013-10-29 Robert Kaiser 65 -- VERIFIED FIXED [qa-]
928048 Crontabber to store all state in Postgres instead of .json file Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 65 -- RESOLVED FIXED
928098 Resubmitted Super Search query converts/escapes/decodes = to %3D (and adds extra params), which kills results [DEACTIVATED] Adrian Gaudebert 65 P1 VERIFIED FIXED [qa+]
930086 [Supersearch] "does not have terms" gives an error that the variable is not a valid choice [DEACTIVATED] Adrian Gaudebert 65 -- RESOLVED FIXED
930324 redaction in the crash storage classes K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 65 -- VERIFIED FIXED [QA+]
931803 releases_raw doesn't have data after 10-17 (ftpscraper bustage?) Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 65 -- VERIFIED FIXED [qa-]
932060 Whitelist annotation "BIOS_Manufacturer" 65 -- VERIFIED FIXED [qa-]
932584 remove the monitor integration test K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 65 -- RESOLVED FIXED
932591 restore friendly logging on the app shut down process K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 65 -- VERIFIED FIXED [qa-]
932592 document rabbit+processor install Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] 65 -- RESOLVED FIXED
932831 test_cleanup_radix uses the default fs_root which be used by other crashstorage related code Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 65 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
933487 [traceback] ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'meow' by fuzzing ?page= param for /exploitability Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 65 -- VERIFIED FIXED
933963 Split up the signature summary reports Selena Deckelmann :selenamarie :selena 65 -- VERIFIED FIXED [qa-][DB change]
935520 optionally silence stdout on submitter_app utilities K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 65 -- RESOLVED FIXED
935546 silence stdout K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 65 -- RESOLVED FIXED
935684 Socorro 65 config changes Brandon Burton [:solarce] 65 -- RESOLVED FIXED [config change]
937621 remove deprecated Processor2008 code K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 65 -- RESOLVED FIXED

27 Total; 0 Open (0%); 14 Resolved (51.85%); 13 Verified (48.15%);

PR Triage

Other issues

Ops Updates

Actively working on


  • solarce at on 10/28-10/31, will be afk at conf 29, 30 and afk travel day 10/31
  • lonnen on PTO
  • adrian has a holiday on Friday
