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  • Dylan is appointed note taker over his own objections
  • Ask for agenda items
  • Current release status
    • Release only blocked on YUI2
    • dylan has taken over porting TUI.js
  • BMO/trunk merge status
    • slow and piece by piece, and we're still on perl 5.10 on BMO
  • Landfill status (why is it so slow?; when will trunk installs be back up?)
  • old install, needs new perl. probably perl-build/plenv
  • Continued lack of trunk perldoc on https://www.bugzilla.org/docs/ (api link goes to ReadTheDocs) - how to fix?
    • get jeff's pod to rst patch landed -- this will work towards fixing this
  • Bugzilla is in Outreachy via the Perl Foundation, Dylan has had about 10 applicants
    • Some of them are very promising and there can be only one.