Calendar:Status Meetings:2006-08-23

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Meeting Details

Telephone Info

  • Toll free numbers
  • Access Code
    • 3646989
  • Conference controls
    • *6 mute line
    • *7 unmute line
  • Each time you say something, please say your name first so people know who's speaking

Proposed Agenda Items

0.3 Status

  • High risk patch reviews?
    • No high risk patches landed since last Weds, kinda scary
    • Most patches seem on track; a bit of risk around iTIP
  • New bugs on the rader
    • Passwords: ctalbert will ask QA channel folks for help nailing them down
  • Release notes
    • In progress version: Calendar:0.3_Release_Notes; feedback requested
    • jminta + dmose suggested Sunbird and Lightning share release notes.

Test Day overview

  • Another big success!
    • 661 tests in Litmus; great coverage of those tests
      • Found a number of good defects as a result
    • 50% of attendees are returning

Lightning+WCAP build

  • Current proposal does not solve uploading
  • Solutions that don't require release team cycles more likely to happen
  • dmose to get lilmatt in the loop

Lightning l10n story (lilmatt)

bug 346278

We need to decide which of the following approaches we want to take.

Says Rob Strong: "The choices are to either build the extension with all available locales or build the extension with one locale and build language packs for the available languages. The language packs could then have the extension as a dependency."

  • Bug 285848 will provide automatic discovery of language packs for an extension.
  • Bug 345610 shows additional work planned for extension dependencies.
  • tentative consensus seemed to be that individual langpacks is probably the way to go
  • lilmatt going to ping Axel for further discussion