Calendar:Status Meetings:2007-01-10

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Meeting Details

Telephone Info

  • Toll free numbers
  • Access Code
    • 3646989
  • Conference controls
    • *6 mute line
    • *7 unmute line
  • Each time you say something, please say your name first so people know who's speaking

Agenda Items

  • update on events vs task
    • use cases: osaf, tc-usecase
    • simplicity impt for shipping soon
    • conversion: dataloss? ctalbert will test and file bug
  • calAttendee RSVP migrate to string?
    • use string properties now, migrate to constants later
  • new event dialog prototype
    • action item(dmose): have next steps by next weeks meeting
    • ctalbert: this blocks sending itip items
  • iTIP / iMIP
    • ctalbert / lilmatt hard at work on this
    • code to handle outlook iTIP requests has been written, under review
    • Vista calendar only sends iTIP PUBLISHes, not REQUESTs
  • 0.5 status
    • main blocker: timezones (dmose)
    • should be conservative about accepting big patches because of hard-stop ship date
  • google calendar provider?
    • lilmatt/phil: to be extension until provider policy sorted out
    • mozdev project under construction
    • action item(lilmatt): how to turn on in build process as extension