Calendar:Status Meetings:2007-03-07

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Meeting Details

Telephone Info

  • Toll free numbers
  • Access Code
    • 3646989
  • Conference controls
    • *6 mute line
    • *7 unmute line
  • Each time you say something, please say your name first so people know who's speaking

Agenda Items

  • Merchandising
    • See the blog post and the corresponding newsgroup discussion
    • Marcia Knous has offered to host one item from us at the official Mozilla store (t-shirt would probably be the best option)
    • This item would be royalty-free
  • Lightning logo
    • I (sipaq) think we need one
    • Mark Carson would be willing to do one for us
    • A contest (like we did for Sunbird) would also be a viable option
  • Welcome Berend Cornelius, he just joined the development team
  • Status of review system and module ownership/peers
  • Status of UI ownership discussion
  • The prototype dialog should be promoted to be the default dialog
  • Status of bug #349520 (working hours patch)
  • Building gdata extension, will it be released with 0.5?

Meeting Log

Attendees: Mickey, Daniel, Matt, Simon, Phillip, Christian

The team welcomes Berend Cornelius. Berend joint the Lightning development team at Sun a couple of days ago.

Status of review system

  • Team agreed to accept the new review system and changed module ownership
  • For details please refer to Calendar:Module_Ownership

Status of UI ownership discussion

Christian will contact MVL to workout a concept which defines the renewed UI Ownership. Plan is to have two UI Owners. to assure that no interest conflicts occur.

Prototype dialog Promotion

  • Matt confirmed that the new event dialog should be default. MVL started code review.
  • Goal is to get it in after 0.5 release.


  1. The prototype event dialog will be activated for a couple of week to gather user feedback.
  2. Based on feedback changes will be made.

Status of bug #349520

It's on Matt's radar. He will do review starting next week.

Gdata extension released

The code is in the tree. Will be build and should be available on AMO. Getting the extension on AMO published soon should no problem if approved by the right (e.g. shaver) people.

0.5 Status Update

We made good progress. Joey did great job on reviewing stuff. Matt will update road map & continues to triage bugs.


  • See the blog post and the corresponding newsgroup discussion
  • Marcia Knous has offered to host one item from us at the official Mozilla store.
  • This item would be royalty-free.
  • Team decided that we should produce a T-Shirt with the logo on the front and the product name on the back.
  • Simon will send out the Corel file for conversion into EPS.

  • Simon proposed that Lightning should have one.
  • Mark Carson would be willing to do one for us.
  • John Higgs (?) should also be asked if he would be willing to do one.
  • A contest (like we did for Sunbird) would also be a viable option but it should come with some guidelines such as file format, vector and/or bitmap, style, etc.