Calendar:Status Meetings:2007-04-11

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Meeting Details

Telephone Info

  • Toll free numbers
    • US/Canada: 866-692-3163
    • Netherlands: 0800-020-1392
    • Germany: 0800-000-3441
  • Participant Passcode
    • 3182189
  • Conference controls
    • Press *1 private help menu
    • Press *6 mute or un-mute individual line
  • Each time you say something, please say your name first so people know who's speaking

Agenda Items


  • Daniel, Sipaq, Christian, lilmatt, ctalbert, Philipp, Mickey, and poningru

Meeting Log

  • Planning to have a meeting next week even though the calendar's de facto secretary will be traveling

F2F Meeting Stuff

  • Matt will put cell phone numbers up on a secure website
  • The weekend we are there is the weekend of the Hamburg Marathon hence there are very few hotels open.
  • Christian will send out an email for how to get together on the first day?
  • Need to review the agenda
    • ctalbert definitely needs to do that.
    • sipaq wants to talk about the two product strategy and that might correlate with the master roadmap planning talk.
    • Put roadmap session toward the end because during the meeting we will find out what we will prioritize but perhaps we can work on that intermittently throughout the meeting. After talking about a topic we put a priority on that topic at that moment.
  • That sounds like the way that it worked last time in a more unorganized fashion.
  • The agenda is not in stone
  • Internet access: Christian has solved that.
  • Clint and Daniel (at least) need to sit down and work out the strategy for the timezone database issue as well as a common invitation manager interface.


  • Clint removed the dates from the calendar yesterday how to add new dates - newsgroup or just pick some
  • Matt (and the rest of us) want to have 0.5 release candidate before we go to Germany
  • Sipaq will go through the blocker list tonight and submit a newsgroup post with his analysis
  • Once we have the blockers fixed, we move directly to release candidate.
  • Matt has been mostly unavailable due to new job's requirements
  • Foreign Timezones
    • Clint will look at just editing the storage provider to handle foreign timezones and see what kind of work that will take and what the testing impact on that will be.
    • We don't want to take the Full Timezone Server Database fix until that patch is fully baked.
    • We may just want to release note the Timezone bug for 0.5 again and fix it soon after 0.5 ships in a nightly.
  • 10.3 crash - Matt is currently working on that.
    • Does not seem to be a compiler bug, might be an SDK bug
    • Introduced by the timezone update code in 0.3
    • Around the same time we switched the tinderbox from 10.3 to 10.4
    • Binaries are compiled on 10.4 but *should* be able to work on anything as far back as 10.3
    • Matt thinks this is important b/c upgrade from 10.3 to 10.4 is not a free upgrade for Mac users
  • Localization issue - if we can't reproduce this then that may be something we have to test once we spin locales
    • clint will check with bvdbos since he was working on that
  • No Add to Calendar button on Thunderbird 1.5
    • Clint will look into this RIGHT NOW
    • Tbird 2.x is in RC right now, and it is almost final -- a matter of days
  • n events only delete n/2 events - has a one line patch
    • Philipp will try that patch
  • Daniel fixed some WCAP bugs -- but those are OK to check in if they are strictly in WCAP
  • Freeze with repeating events greater than 32767
    • Philipp has a patch for the UI side
    • Daniel will fix it in libical - there is one cast in libical that is not a good idea ( a long to int cast ).
    • Libical might not take the changes back because it is not a real bug on their side.
    • Why do we actually need a 32 bit recurrence limit? Is there a use case for it?
    • It's not so much a use case issue, just fix this so that we don't crash.
    • Need to change the UI as well so that it cannot keep many digits.
    • Why make the limit smaller versus larger? The only issue is that we don't want to diverge too much from the libical source
    • If we could just limit the UI to four characters and change the IDL to match libical would be a good short term fix.
    • But there is a libical bug here, that we'd still need to fix even if we change the UI and the IDL (if we did that we'd still be vulnerable when importing a ICS with a long number).
    • We should probably take the least risk alternative at this point
    • Daniel will create the patch and Philipp or Mickey or Clint will review it.
    • We just need to move fast now and try to finish 0.5 by the hamburg meeting.
    • There is not a huge risk in a small patch to libical.
    • We should definitely try to push it up to libical

Other notes

  • Mvl has a family obligation and will not be in the face-to-face meeting.
  • We will have to get him on the phone for some of the sessions
  • Christian is working on the UI review for the split multi-day events. He will try to come up with schedule and some documentation here.
    • But author said that he doesn't have a lot of skill in the development issue
    • There is a problem in the way the XUL is structured since the events are children of the day boxes
    • What we want there is to do the best we can within the limitations we have
    • Might work on another approach in a future bug for it and take the current one for now.
  • Daniel wants you to comment about preference based autoconfiguration post in the newsgroup.
  • Ping Matt directly in IRC when you need him.