Calendar:Status Meetings:2007-08-08

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Meeting Details

Telephone Info

  • Toll free numbers
    • US/Canada: 866-692-3163
    • Netherlands: 0800-020-1392
    • Germany: 0800-000-3441
  • Participant Passcode
    • 3182189
  • Conference controls
    • Press *1 private help menu
    • Press *6 mute or un-mute individual line
  • Each time you say something, please say your name first so people know who's speaking

Agenda Items

  • 0.7 Status
  • The Next release page is a bit outdated. We urgently need to update it!

Meeting Log

Attendees: daniel, mickey, martin, philipp, bruno, clint, matt, simon, christian -- it's a party!

Updating the Release Page

  • Just replace it with something we care about.
  • Historically it was the release drivers it was the roadmap document of the project. To see what things that we were trying to get done at a level higher than that of bugzilla. It might be better to just outline the high level goals of what we're doing this release, and have it provide the bugzilla queries
    • Might just link to spreadsheet and the tracking 0.7 section on the calendar roadmap
    • And include the bugzilla queries
    • Redirect to the 0.7 blocking status page
    • Blog serves some of this functionality now, so the need for a roadmap is less.
    • Add pointers to the roadmap page from the blog as well. In the blog posts.

Blocking Bugs Need Owners

  • Philipp taking one that just needed UI review
  • Clint took 377403
  • Discussed the attempt to fix 367159, is still broken and we need a toolkit fix for it. Or a fix for the specific mac issue in calendar.
  • Decide to leave the "nobody" blocking bugs in case we have time later.
  • Simon will take a look at the blocking bugs and the blocking nominations to rule out the obvious non-blockers and will make sure we are fixing the right bugs to be fixed.
  • Proposal: if something won't block the 0.7 release specifically, then set the milestone to the 1.0 release that the bug blocks, and release the blocking flag for 0.7. Martin and Clint have done this some. But, Simon should also take a critical eye to it.

Thunderbird announcement

  • Should we put out some official statement about that?
  • Matt: We should push the tbird guys to really include the calendar into the core Thunderbird. More people that tell that to the Tbird devs the more likely they are to pull the lightning stuff in.
  • Talk to Joey about putting Lightning in Firefox and see what else we can do in that space. It would be a good way to prove that we still have a viable project and that we are still doing standards based calendaring.
  • We should run our text through the folks at MoFo just so we don't pull a Shaver with our statement (i.e. ten f**** days...)
  • The closer we are to a shippable stable product the better our story is when we ask whether or not they want to include us by default.
  • We have to look for our own niche too, because there are more and more ajax apps (google calendar comes to mind) running in firefox too. So, we should focus on where a fat client can win.
  • People are clamoring for something that is not Outlook but acts like Outlook. And that gets you that integration. Right now you either have to use Evolution or Thunderbird and Lightning, and Thunderbird and Lightning is the one that is cross platform.
  • We should also look at what kind of innovation we can do so that you can use XUL and XBL stuff and see how it can be built into Ajax stuff, or see if we can put it into Firefox and have it integrate your google calendar/caldav etc.
  • Enterprise users are really where the Fat clients will always be wanted. But we can use this into our back pocket and have a browser based story as well.
  • Clint will ask Bienvenue: Do we need to have frozen interfaces in order to be included in Thunderbird by default? Thunderbird 3 time frame.
  • Will stop supporting 1.5.x support in 0.9 Lightning.