Calendar:Status Meetings:2008-01-30

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Meeting Details

Telephone Info

  • Toll free numbers
    • US/Canada: 866-692-3163
    • Netherlands: 0800-020-1392
    • Germany: 0800-000-3441
  • Participant Passcode
    • 3182189
  • Conference controls
    • Press *1 private help menu
    • Press *6 mute or un-mute individual line
  • Each time you say something, please say your name first so people know who's speaking

Agenda Items

  • Tracking 0.8
  • Face-2-Face: Seems that most people agree to april 19/20
  • late-l10n process?

Meeting Log

  • Attendees: hb, mschroeder, gary, berend, sipaq, philipp
  • We still have 27 blocking bugs; looks we won't do it until next week's end(!)
    • philipp: We should point more people to the blocking list, remind people to concentrate on it. There are a couple of nobody blocking bugs.
    • sipaq will prepare the release notes and calls for relnote bugs!
    • l10n: 17 out of 28 are green
  • We'll fix the next face-2-face date: SAT april 19th until TUE april 22nd. Daniel will call for rooms.
  • late-l10n process: Coordinate checkins and announce only once(!)
    • set late-l10n keyword in bug
    • CC: calendar-l10n@mozilla.bugs
    • Write a nice comment
    • Post on dev-l10n ng and tell localizers about it
  • daniel will be on calconnect next week and off on vacation by feb 14th.
  • hb pointed out some copy/paste bugs
  • David Ascher wants calendar to be part of Thunderbird 3(!) There's an ongoing discussion on dev-apps-thunderbird if you like; join it if you like.