Calendar:Status Meetings:2008-03-19

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Meeting Details

Telephone Info

  • Toll free numbers
    • US/Canada: 866-692-3163
    • Netherlands: 0800-020-1392
    • Germany: 0800-000-3441
  • Participant Passcode
    • 3182189
  • Conference controls
    • Press *1 private help menu
    • Press *6 mute or un-mute individual line
  • Each time you say something, please say your name first so people know who's speaking

Agenda Items

  • Tracking 0.8
  • Possible ways of sponsorship for volunteers' travel/hotel costs (F2F Meeting)?

Meeting Agenda

  • Attendees: gary, lars, martin, daniel, lilmatt(!), sipaq
  • There's been a server outage last night so not all builds have been done. Our Mac tinderbox is still not accessible, see bug 423816. This will essentially postpone RC2 since Ause is on vacation over easter. This doesn't mean that the most recent builds aren't to be treated "as RC2" for the upcoming testtday on thursday, because it's not planned to fix any further stuff (no blockers left). Simon will blog about it.
  • If people need help funding their travel costs for the Hamburg F2F, they could ask David Ascher (Mozilla Messaging), or people from the Mozilla Community program (Frank Hecker, Seth Bindernagel). Daniel will also ask for funding individuals.
  • Update on download stats: We've just crossed the 4 million downloads (overall Sunbird and Lightning)!!
  • Gary mentioned quite a lot of timezone changes for 2008. We should tackle the timezone database and update story soon for 0.9.