Calendar:Target Users

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Target Users

Discussions prior to the Toronto meeting had already helped us arrive at agreement on the fact that our target users should be Small Business Owners (primary) and Students (secondary). Trying to flesh out these users in Toronto made us quickly expand Small Business Owner to also include employees of small businesses, since they will likely be involved in the shared calendaring world of the business.

We expanded these categories to these "typical" users that we're targeting for, in an effort to help us better identify the tasks they typically perform in a calendaring application.

Small Business Owner/Employees

  • works with 5-8 employees
  • schedules meetings with those employees
  • needs to schedule outside his company
  • married+2 kids
  • follows sports teams
  • has regular interaction with other vendors
  • has regular interaction with customers
  • goes on a 1 week vacation each year

Example Small Business

  • professional services
  • contractor
  • office worker


  • uses IM a lot
  • university student
  • summer job
  • part-time job
  • laptop computer
  • life isn't highly scheduled
  • member of 1-2 clubs
  • wants to find parties
  • uses technology socially
  • has a cell phone always
  • social calendaring
  • find movies, concerts, etc
  • has a class schedule
  • doesn't add all events to schedule

For Reference