Chrome Style Editing

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Chrome Style Editing
Stage Draft
Status `
Release target `
Health OK
Status note This is an initial draft of this feature, requirements are subject to modification.


Product manager Daniel Buchner
Directly Responsible Individual Daniel Buchner
Lead engineer `
Security lead `
Privacy lead `
Localization lead `
Accessibility lead `
QA lead `
UX lead `
Product marketing lead `
Operations lead `
Additional members `

Open issues/risks


Stage 1: Definition

1. Feature overview

Add-on authors currently only have clunky methods for polish/adjustment of styles of add-ons in development. The Builder allows for quick install/uninstall test cycles, but this is still quite a pain when trying to achieve pixel-perfect styling on for an add-on's chrome UI elements. To better serve this case, we should allow, in concert with the detached chrome UI inspector variant, the ability to open the styles panel and live edit styles for chrome elements.

2. Users & use cases

All add-on authors will immediately benefit from this enhancement, as well our own Firefox developers.

3. Dependencies


4. Requirements




Stage 2: Design

5. Functional specification


6. User experience design

Add mock showing use of the style edit pane a in detached, chrome-targeted version of current dev tools.

Stage 3: Planning

7. Implementation plan


8. Reviews

Security review


Privacy review


Localization review




Quality Assurance review


Operations review


Stage 4: Development

9. Implementation


Stage 5: Release

10. Landing criteria


Feature details

Priority Unprioritized
Rank 999
Theme / Goal `
Roadmap Developer Tools
Secondary roadmap `
Feature list Desktop
Project `
Engineering team DevTools

Team status notes

  status notes
Products ` `
Engineering ` `
Security ` `
Privacy ` `
Localization ` `
Accessibility ` `
Quality assurance ` `
User experience ` `
Product marketing ` `
Operations ` `