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  • 1.2 status
  • Follow ups from last week:
    • QA actions for 1.2
    • Load testing for user creation/authentication
    • Server status for 1.3
  • 1.3 plan
  • Launch 1.3 (server/client) on may 15th.
    • Scalable to 10 million
    • Production support, production hardware, etc
    • No client data loss issues or blocker functional bugs
    • Solid operational dashboard
    • Full security audit of both client/server
    • Unit tests on both client/server
    • Full monitoring suite
  • Post 1.3 plan


  • 1.2 is down to 10 blockers, beta 3 should go out sometime tomorrow.
  • memcached bug is not a blocker for 1.2, but we need it as soon as possible.
  • QA has a test plan meeting right after this one.
  • We still need a server plan, tony has had a chat with Mhanson and Zandr and identified the following:
    • Load tests - we may outsource
    • Support for internal tools
    • Functional map of the software components
    • No support for backwards compatibility
    • Support for data loss
    • We probably need to start using MozMill to do a full Firefox based testing.
  • AI: Ragavan to work with Tony and Ed to work out functional map of software components.
  • AI: Tony and MConnor are driving test plan and will share in the next week.
  • QA wants a release to QA complete in 3 weeks.
  • Matt wants a checklist for release to QA.
  • AI: Matt will propose the checklist.
  • Backend team also feels comfortable.
  • By April 6, we should have staging set up and ready to go.
  • Les is going to help load test and profile the user registration and authentication service.