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  • Time: Tuesday at 9:15 AM PST / 12:15 PM EST / 5:15 PM UTC.
  • Place: Mozilla HQ, 3V (Very Good, Very Mighty)
  • Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 8616#

Currently Active Projects

J-PAKE (Philipp, Stefan, Tarek)

  • Server-side: fixed a small bug on the admin screen.
  • Firefox UI 75% done, waiting for Faaborg's feedback, OSX try builds available, other platforms: blocked on bsmith's C implementation of J-PAKE

Simplified Crypto (Richard)

  • JS PKCS5 implementation now works (that was a late night!), so we're close to being able to test on FF3. Patch on Bug 610749 for review.
  • More tests extended to the New World (and passing).
  • Behavior validated across multiple browsers.
  • Cleanup and so forth proceeding.

Getting close!

Sync Server 1.5 (Toby)

  • 1.5 deployed to dev. Doing quick sanity checks and passing off to QA
  • By the way, built fixed-width mysql storage engine over the weekend.

Node Management (Toby)

Deployment on hold while we get 1.5 out. Table changes have been made.

Next-gen Server (Tarek)

Worked with a guy from Poland to make the server work w. his setup. ldap+postgres. Now works fine. Added a few options.

otherwise, not much to say (waiting for reviews)

Identity Server (Tarek)

The basic process now works.

  • the client detects an openid input and replace it with a "Login w/ Weave" button (the openid input gets the URL for the sync user open id)
  • clicking on the button will launch the openid process
  • the client hijacks the call to the OP and inject a weave password the server will detect and validate

Stuff left to do:

I added Yadis support, and I am working on completing the open id API (checkid_setup) and storage.

Firefox Home 1.0.4 (Stefan)

  • Released, eh!

Firefox Home 1.1 (Stefan)

Limiting the scope of 1.1 to Easy Setup and Simplified crypto. If there is time for bug fixes/improvements then great. Otherwise 1.1.1.

  • Simplified Crypto
    • implemented
    • tested against richard's last build
    • working on migration / detecting storage version bump
  • J-PAKE
    • working on implementing final UX.
    • working on crypto changes by Brian (Hashing, HMAC) ?
    • working on /report API

Hope to have a 1.1b2 ready before the end of the week. (you can always grab a build directly from to test with)

Upcoming Projects

Account Management Portal

  • No updates yet.

Places GUID revamp

  • Initial approach in place, still need to determine resources and timeline

App performance issues due to Places

  • Resources are still an open question, but proposal is rather firm.