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  • Time: Wednesday at 9:15 AM PST / 12:15 PM EST / 5:15 PM UTC.
  • Place: Mozilla HQ, 2J (JK)
  • Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 8616#



  • SCL2 machine build progress
    • machines are kicking
    • SSDs arrived for LDAP slaves
  • SCL2 build-out finishment
    • Switches are there
    • PDUs arrive today
    • Contractor has been sent an SOW


See yesterday's meeting notes for detailed status on projects.





  • Firefox 4 desktop launch Day 1: 10MM, first 30-60 days 40-50MM, first 60-90 days 100MM
  • Firefox 4 mobile launch: First 2 weeks: 1MM, first 6 weeks: 2MM

    Sync ADUs as of 1/18/11
  • Desktop ADUs: 625k
  • Mobile ADUs: 3k
  • Discussion: First Run page, general discoverability


Notes and actions

  • Need project timeline and hard dates for account management portal. MConnor and Toby will be driving this.
  • Let's consider SCL2 a hard blocker for Fx4 launch.
  • Need to resolve discoverability of the feature given we are past string freeze and may require themes.

Follow ups from last week

Fx 4 client

Fx 4 server

  • Do a simulation of 10 million new activations over a 24 hour period? Given we have tons of extra capacity?
    • Working on making the benchmarks accurate by actually doing j-pake runs against it, need new ETA (atoll?)

Other issues