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  • Time: Tuesday at 9:15 AM PST / 12:15 PM EST / 5:15 PM UTC.
  • Place: Mozilla HQ, 2J
  • Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 8616#

Currently Active Projects

Account Management Portal (Toby)

Now deployed to stage. Cleaning up a few things found there. Adding a little more work for internationalization.

Ragavan is looking at strings and layout.

Next-gen Reg/Sync Server (Tarek)

  • QA work is stalled - we had a DB bug. It seems to be related to a query that corrupts the Database. Stage needs to be updated.
  • Working on the sreg server -
  • Fixing a few issues (Branding in Reg e-mails, etc)

PAKE server (Tarek)

  • will check with mcoates why we have spurious CEF logs

Identity Server (JR)

  • Began work resolving ID server milestones.

Firefox Home 2.0 (Stefan)

Firefox Home 1.1.1 (Stefan)

Sending a 1.1.1 build to QA today so that we can release it next week. Mostly bug fixes.

One thing I would like to discuss:

This 1.1.1 version currently includes the JPAKE improvements that we've made. But, I'm not sure if the timing right for those.

  • What is the time frame for pushing the key-exchange-server changes to the production servers?
  • Should we wait with including this in Home until it is also in Firefox and thus better tested?
  • We should also remove the auto-delete of the channel so that the final request can also be retried. The (now mandatory?) call to /report at the end of the transaction will take care of closing the channel?

App performance issues due to Places (philikon)

  • sdwilsh has uploaded remaining patches for bug 606966 to provide:
    • 1 callback per place to indicate success or failure
    • an observer notification when mozIAsyncHistory::updatePlaces is done
  • Need review and super-review now.
  • API marked as experimental, nsINavHistoryService::addVisit won't be deprecated
  • Might further evolve for Firefox 5, but no changes planned for Firefox 4 unless we find that the 1 callback per place is too much of a performance hit on mobile.
  • philikon has rebased his work for bug 606353 on sdwilsh's latest patches
  • tests pass
  • next up: batch-applying incoming records

Fx4 Sync Blockers (philipp/rnewman)

  • we're down to 1 hardblocker bug 606353 and 6 softblockers.
  • bunch of pretty bad bookmark bugs discovered last Thursday related to backup restore:
  • need to land as many blockers on mozilla-central as possible before Friday (beta 11 freeze)
  • should cut 1.6.3 later this week

Notifications (Shane/Alex)

Back-burner projects

Account Management Portal (Toby)

  • Waiting on Ops to have cycles/need for this

Upcoming Projects

Identity Framework (rnewman)

Still waiting for spec from Thunder.

Web-facing ID pages (TBD)

  • Fallback for browsers/clients without Account Manager enabled
  • Not started yet
