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  • Time: Tuesday at 9:15 AM PST / 12:15 PM EST / 5:15 PM UTC.
  • Place: Mozilla HQ, Sick Bay (Vidyo room "Services")
  • Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 98616#
  • Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 98616#
  • Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 98616#

Who's away?: ….




Metrics (rmiller)

  • Further logstash output work completed
  • Add'l development on mozsvc / metlog integration
  • Design / planning re: metlog-py roadmap
  • Testing and packaging for HDFS back end components
  • New RPMs delivered for next round of load testing

SyncStorage (rfkelly)

Queuey (bbangert)

Token Server (tarek)

Last Week

  • Implemented the snode/sreg part of tokenserver
  • plugged it with pyvep via repoze.who.plugins.vepauth
  • deployed http://token{1,2}
  • powerhose *master* is now included in tokenserver (off by default)
  • worked on wrapping up circus - license issues pending

This week

  • create the powerhose c++ worker for the tokenserver (to do JWT verifications)
  • finish the implementation of the certificate reloading
  • finish the implementation of the secret key loading + need investigation in PyVEP
  • deploy second box
  • test the ldap code against a real ldap infrastructure
  • add cache support for the tokenserver

Cornice (tarek)

Sauropod (rtilder)

Big Lebowski (rtilder)


Firefox Sync (gps)

  • Add-on sync bug fix bug 712542.
  • Sync 2.0 branch work in Git

Android Sync (rnewman)


Bipostal (jrconlin)

  • Added draft MAC auth code to notifications (Need to expand python and js to full libraries and add third party testing harnesses)
  • Bunch of Notifications crossover work.
  • Activated "disable" feature to addresses in bipostal.
  • Meeting with badida today to discuss integration work for Bipostal as BID plugin.

Client/Server (jbalogh)

  • working on notifications as a restartless add-on
  • starting the battle with the Data Safety Council

Beta Channel

Program Launch (mconnor)


Testing and Sign-offs (tracy)

  • testing Android code drop .5
  • working on automation in sikuli
  • preparing videos for community engagement.

Sync Server (jbonacci)

  • Testing continues as needed for any Sync Server deployments and Change/Maintenance Windows.
  • Test scripts are in progress for running curl against rfkelly's Sync 2.0 setup
  • QA test planning in in progress for the following projects:
    • MetLog
    • BiPostal
    • Sync 2.0 with Token Server

BrowserID (jbonacci)

  • Actively working on Train 21 in Stage:
    • Bug 727995 - QA and deploy BrowserID train-2012.02.16 to production
    • Main focus on this train, again, is support for primaries, UX, localization

BrowserID automation (jrgm)

  • working on basic selenium tests for browserid sign_in dialog
  • QA and deploy BrowserID train-2012.02.16 to production

TPS (jgriffin)

Deployment Requests



Reports and Monitoring (daniel)



Firefox 10

Firefox 11

Firefox 12

Firefox 13




  • Queuey threat modeling
    • Location: "SFO-7B" <>; "Warp Core" <>
    • Date: Feb 24, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
  • Metlog threat modeling
    • Location: "4M - Michael Bolton" <> (4M - Michael Bolton)
    • Date: Feb 27, 2012 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific

TODO: send livecycle documentation to services team for security checklist



2012Q1 Goals

2012Q2 Goals


Notes and actions

Follow ups from last week

Other issues