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Services is now known as CloudServices this page is out of date

Mozilla Cloud Services is working on building cool building blocks to make users' lives on the Internet better.

Weekly Meeting

No Longer held

See Services/Meetings for notes from old meetings.

Project Pages

Create a new project named: <createbox> align=left type=create preload=Services/Templates/project default=NewProject prefix=Services/ </createbox>

Services is now known as CloudServices this page is out of date

Mozilla Cloud Services is working on building cool building blocks to make users' lives on the Internet better.

Weekly Meeting

No Longer held

See Services/Meetings for notes from old meetings.

Project Pages

Create a new project named: <createbox> align=left type=create preload=Services/Templates/project default=NewProject prefix=Services/ </createbox>

Template loop detected: Services/

Project Exploration

Cloud Services team's mandate includes two service classes: Firefox Services and User Web Services.

Defining Firefox Services

  • One or more Firefox teams lead each Firefox Service, defining features, implementing and integrating within Firefox, and marketing the Firefox Service as a Firefox feature.
  • Cloud Services team supports the Firefox team as its customer, primarily via providing the Firefox Accounts service APIs for identity, authentication and storage as required of each Firefox Service.
  • Firefox Services typically support and extend Firefox features, providing user task continuity across Firefox instances and devices by time- and space-shifting Firefox state.

Prospective Firefox Services

  • Firefox Backup - Enable Firefox to save/recover previous Firefox states

Defining User Web Services

  • The Cloud Services team leads each User Web Service, defining features, implementing the Web front-end and back-ends, and marketing the User Web service as a Firefox Account feature. As a User Service matures, it may graduate to a Firefox feature.
  • Firefox teams support the Cloud Services team as its customer, primarily via Firefox integration and distribution.
  • User Web Services typically support and extend Open Web user identity, data and personalization by delivering market differentiated, defensible, sustainable, SaaS and PaaS-style services to achieve the Mozilla mission of user utility, agency and sovereignty.

Prospective User Web Services

Project Limbo

Roadmaps / Goals

Server / General:




Project Roadmaps:

Developer Documentation

Process and Policy

Stay in Touch



Project Exploration

Cloud Services team's mandate includes two service classes: Firefox Services and User Web Services.

Defining Firefox Services

  • One or more Firefox teams lead each Firefox Service, defining features, implementing and integrating within Firefox, and marketing the Firefox Service as a Firefox feature.
  • Cloud Services team supports the Firefox team as its customer, primarily via providing the Firefox Accounts service APIs for identity, authentication and storage as required of each Firefox Service.
  • Firefox Services typically support and extend Firefox features, providing user task continuity across Firefox instances and devices by time- and space-shifting Firefox state.

Prospective Firefox Services

  • Firefox Backup - Enable Firefox to save/recover previous Firefox states

Defining User Web Services

  • The Cloud Services team leads each User Web Service, defining features, implementing the Web front-end and back-ends, and marketing the User Web service as a Firefox Account feature. As a User Service matures, it may graduate to a Firefox feature.
  • Firefox teams support the Cloud Services team as its customer, primarily via Firefox integration and distribution.
  • User Web Services typically support and extend Open Web user identity, data and personalization by delivering market differentiated, defensible, sustainable, SaaS and PaaS-style services to achieve the Mozilla mission of user utility, agency and sovereignty.

Prospective User Web Services

Project Limbo

Roadmaps / Goals

Server / General:




Project Roadmaps:

Developer Documentation

Process and Policy

Stay in Touch

