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  • Time: Tuesday at 9:15 AM PST / 12:15 PM EST / 5:15 PM UTC.
  • Place: Mozilla HQ, North Bridge
  • Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 8616#
  • Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 8616#

Who's away?: .




Account Registration/Management

Python Registration Server (reg/sreg) (Tarek)

  • deployed in production as of yesterday
  • need to do some cleanup in the code for uni vs str
  • there's a bug between the AP <=> SReg interaction we need to investigate

Account Portal (Toby)

rpm-1.2-1 tagged for train push

Tiny bugfix release addressing Bug 638615

Node Assignment (Toby)

Core changes to infra starting to land


Python Sync Server (Tarek)

  • waiting for the load infra

PHP Sync Server (Toby)

Sync Client (philikon)


Server (JR)


ID Server:

  • Worked with rmiller and thunder to hammer out JWS encoding fun.
  • built jws sign/verify lib
  • moved staging from web4 to id1


  • test cases for jws code
  • coordination with rmiller on server/client integration
  • meet with crypto experts re: id client crypto
  • Get ID F'ing done.


  • Cert format may switch to PEM

Client (ddahl)

I have been studying JW* formats for use in Identity keys and assertions - generally occupied with other responsibilities. Will be working back on Identity stuff soon.

System Management

Big Lebowski (rtilder)

Delaying code review need for a bit after discovery some unpleasant performance behaviour in gevent under heavy load. Writing more load tests to isolate more issues.


Engineering (Paul)

Notifications: jr:

  • Got Paul set up and started (a few issues with lack of things to do initially, but that's being resolved)
  • met with Notifications stakeholders and designers to hammer out product direction.
  • got Paul started, (Need to get him on the status report system)



Testing and Sign-offs (tracy)

  • Will test client s-c for sign-off end of today (Wed.) (this cycle was delayed one day due to US holiday on Monday)
  • ap/sreg/reg deployment to production had a few bumps, but they were quickly ironed out.
  • Will test next round of server changes Thurs or Friday depending on readiness on stage
  • Going to get a rough Identity test plan created by end of week.
  • Tony is on PTO this week

Automated Testing (jgriffin, ocoutts)

Deployment Requests

As per the production release process any production change requests for the next release window (Monday afternoon) must be called out here by the developer requesting the update, with all required bugs/test plans already complete by the start of the meeting.

  • See above for account portal. Test plan involves going to forgot-password, using an email address and typing in a bad captcha. The failure page should propagate your email address into the box, not the translated version.
  • Quota config change


Reports and Monitoring (daniel)



FF6 - Aurora: Sync Discovery bug 618913 - is being tracked by the Firefox team. Needs to be fixed. Jennifer following up with folks to make sure this gets done sooner than later.




Notes and actions

Follow ups from last week

Other issues