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Mozilla community members - submit proposals here for 2012 Google Summer of Code projects with Mozilla. (If this page looks empty, it's because accepted ideas have already been transferred to the official list.)

Are you a students looking to apply to SoC with Mozilla? Your first stop should be the official list of ideas. Ideas on this page are not on that page for a reason - it could be that they are not properly defined, the wrong size, or don't have a mentor. That makes them less likely to get accepted. You can, of course, also submit your own ideas - you don't have to put an idea on this page and get it made official in order to send in a proposal for it.

How To Write A Good Project Proposal

Before adding an proposal to this list, please consider the following:

  • Be specific. It's hard to understand the impact of, or the size of, vague proposals.
  • Consider size. The student has eight weeks to design, code, test and document the proposal. It needs to fill, but not overfill, that time.
  • Do your research. Support the idea with well-researched links.
  • Don't morph other people's ideas. If you have a related idea, place it next to the existing one, or add a comment.
  • Insert only your own name into the Mentor column, and then only if you are willing to take on the responsibility. If you think the SoC admins won't know who you are, leave contact details.
  • Check back regularly. The administrators may have questions about your idea that you will need to answer.
  • Know when to give up. If you've added the same idea for the last three years and it hasn't made it to the official page, perhaps you can predict what will happen this time.

Suggestion List

Here are the ideas lists from previous years.

Proposals can be in almost any part of the Mozilla project - don't be fooled by the "Code" in "Summer of Code". If there is no category for your part of Mozilla, add one!

Mozilla Platform (Gecko)

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Full Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol Support The Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol (WPAD) is a method used by clients to locate a URL of a configuration file using DHCP and/or DNS discovery methods. It's already implemented in Mozilla Firefox, but it does only support the DNS Discovery method, though there are still institutes which are only using the DHCP Method because it's the default method in Microsoft Internet Explorer, and it would just work fine in other browsers. Full Description: Melange MoeinAlinaghian

Firefox Mobile

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Automatic folder suggestion for Move/Copy In the current version of Thunderbird, to move an email to a folder, I usually right click on the email's subject and use "Move To" option and then select the folder I want to move my email in. In my gmail account, I have about 50 folders and moving an email to a folder is a very hard task for me. Although, there exists "Move To ... Again" feature which is very helpful in certain cases, I really feel the need to have a "smarter" "Move to" selection.

The raw idea is this: Thunderbird automatically assigns, for each email, to each folder a probibility. This probability assigned to folder "A" for a email "B", is the probability that the user decides to move email "A" to folder "B". Then, the "Move To" option lists the folders based on these probabilities.

Amir Aavani


Title Details - with links as appropriate Reporter Mentor(s) Comments
Implementing Private Browsing SeaMonkey bug 460895 Private browsing mode feature.

Firefox bug 248970 (PrivateBrowsing) Private Browsing mode (global toggle for saving/caching everything)
Firefox bug 462832 (mozpb) Enable private browsing support for all of the Mozilla-based applications.

SeaMonkey-Council Private Browsing is currently being rewritten and moved into Core (docshell) so perhaps we should wait for next year's GSoC.
Modernize Migration code and add new migrators. Importers for Opera, Safari, MSIE, Thunderbird (probably just reverse the SM-to-TB importer), Firefox, Chrome [lang=C++]. SeaMonkey-Council
Update or rewrite our two themes (Default/Classic and Modern). Probably suitable for a graphics design or fine arts major. [lang=css,png,svg] SeaMonkey-Council
Graphics redesign of all SeaMonkey project webpages including a new

mascot and some tee-shirt designs.

Probably requires a Web Developer student [lang=css,html,php/python,png,svg]. SeaMonkey-Council
Design and implement a publicity campaign to raise the awareness of SeaMonkey. Probably suitable for a Marketing major [lang=English] SeaMonkey-Council Might coordinate with the previous Graphics design GSoC.
Tabs on Top in Browser and MailNews. Implement optional Tabs on Top including App Tabs (e.g. Composer, Address Book).[lang=xul,xbl,js] SeaMonkey-Council Included "Make mail tabs real". Currently, mailtabs are just "fake", they act more like buttons to switch between messages/views. This means especially that when deleting a message already shown in background tab and then switching thither, it's gone — which is extremely counter-intuitive. We might want to see how Spicebird does things here.
Reimplement the Advanced Search Sidebar using OpenSearch. The Open Search engine syntax allows requesting data in atom/rss/xml formats. This would allow us to scrape search results in a format suitable for processing by the sidebar. SeaMonkey-Council


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NSS (Network Security Services)

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Firefox Support (SUMO)

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Mozilla IT and Infrastructure

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Developer Tools

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Add-on SDK

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Release Engineering

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Security Engineering

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