Connected Devices/Projects/Project Haiku

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Project Status: Backlogged

This project is not currently under active development by Mozilla.

Project Haiku (formerly Project Smart Home) began as a project to offer a middle ground between "in a box" smart-home solutions like Apple Homekit and DIY solutions like Raspberry Pi. We envisioned modular, affordable hardware with easy-to-use rules that would empower people to solve unique everyday problems in new and creative ways.

But we realized quickly that home automation and the industry's notion of a "smart home" are not the set of problems we are passionate about, or where we feel we can get most traction. So we moved in a different direction and chose to focus on a wearable device that would connect girls aged 12-15 with the people they loved.

At the same time, the Smart Displays project was also exploring the space of human connection. They arrived at a product opportunity for a stationary object that connects family members who live apart from one another.

Because these 2 projects are working in a similar space, we've decided to merge them under the Project Haiku name. So Project Haiku is pivoting away from a wearable to a stationary object that resides inside the home. We're using the Smart Display work as the jumping point for our pivot.

Current Work

We presented our pivot plan to the PIB on Sep 20, 2016. Our product concept focuses on connecting grandparents and grandchildren. We're currently running an experiment to test our major assumptions.

Program Status

Milestone Date Status Status Notes
Kick off meeting 3/03/2016 Done Kick off presentation
First Research plan drafted 3/14/2016 Done
Research plan #1 drafted 3/29/2016 Done
Portland working week to analyze the Research findings and set the following goals/milestones 4/08/2016 Done
User Research #2 [from May 25th to 29th] 5/08/2016 Done
London All Hands Presentations (different sessions) 6/13/2016 Done
MVP review 6/15/2016 Done MVP Review presentation
User Research #2 findings 7/07/2016 Done Project Haiku: User Research #2 findings
Kick off meeting: Team reset 7/11/2016 Done
User Research #3 8/03/2016 Done Survey to validate the hypotheses about the "priority people" and the "auto-replies"
User Research #4 8/26/2016 Done HTML prototype set up on Heroku to test the interactions and make refinements to the User Experience. It will help us to validate the assumptions "We believe that people want to provide their status to others (and will set/unset it)" and "We believe that when a person's status is off, they are not interested in the status of others"
User Research #5 8/19/2016 Done Sponsored Post on Instagram to set a baseline for future tests of our value propositions. We ran the post without a CTA over the weekend but this will be our baseline going forward.
User Research #6 Done Provide off-the-shelf smartwatch to girls age 12-15 to see if a wearable fits into their lives.
User Research #7 On hold Make a physical prototype so girls can provide feedback on it. Our goal is to give them to a small group of girls and focus is on the wearable experience.
User Research #8 Done Survey 100 grandparents about how they currently communicate with their grandchildren. Purpose: set a baseline for measuring success of UR #9.
User Research #9 Done Share lofi prototype with 10 pairs of grandparents and grandchildren. Purpose: test major assumptions around product concept: voice calls + send/receive emojis. (see slide 13 here.
User Research #10 On Target Share lofi prototype with 5 pairs of grandparents and grandchildren. Purpose: test participant interest in revised product concept: send/receive voicemail + send/receive emojis.

Status Key

Color Status Key
On Target The project or deliverable is expected to meet its due date.
Challenged The project or deliverable is facing an issue that might cause it to miss its due date, but a “get well” plan has been developed to get it back on track.
At Risk or Late The project or deliverable is blocked or facing an issue that might cause it to miss its due date, and there’s no “get well” plan to get it back on track, or it is already late.
Done The project or deliverable has been completed.
On Hold or Not Started The project or deliverable has either not been started or has been placed on hold.

Archived Completed Deliverables

Milestone Date Status Status Notes
First Research plan drafted 3/14/2016 Done Initial Research Plan is already out of date as it was revisited.
Revised Research plan #1 and Interviews guides 3/29/2016 Done New Research plan created to learn about the needs of the new targeted audiences: Babysitting age (12 to 15 years old) and independent elderly (aging in place). Both have caregivers who question the independence of the 2 audiences. To run this new research plan we'll be using these two Interview Guides together with these Consent & Compensation Forms.
Research findings from the Interviews 4/27/2016 Done Project Haiku: User Research #1 findings
Research plan #2: Interviews guides, Research prototype, Diaries and all the documentation and logistics necessary for the User Study. 5/24/2016 Done Project Haiku - User Study #2. This User Research wants to validate this hypothesis: Creating an ambient method of communicating for 12 to 15 year old girls will create fewer interruptions that distract them from being in the moment at home and at school and improve their personal connections.
Research #2 findings 7/07/2016 Done Project Haiku: User Research #2 findings
Decisions coming out of UR #2 7/12/2016 Done Project Haiku: Decisions coming out of UR #2
Vision, Ideas, Assumptions, Hypotheses and Experiments Done Project Haiku: Experiments
User Research #3 findings 8/05/2016 Done Project Haiku: UR #3 findings User Research to validate the assumptions related to the number of priority people that girls care about at a time and the number and type of auto-replies
User Research #5 findings
8/19/2016 Done Project Haiku: UR #5 findings
User Research #4 findings (UR #4 was an internal technology experiment) 9/8/2016 Done Project Haiku: UR #4 findings
User Research #6 findings 9/26/2016 Done Project Haiku: UR #6 findings
User Research #8 findings 10/12/2016 Done Project Haiku: UR #8 findings
User Research #9 findings [fill in date] On target Survey 01 - Pre-survey Findings

Survey 02 - Mid-survey Findings

Survey 03 - Post-survey Findings

Prototype Use - Data Analysis

Development process



You can find us on, channel #haiku.


The project is in early state but we are planning to use some agile practices:

  • Weekly meetings in Smart_Home Vidyo room on Mondays at 13:00 PM (Pacific Time). Weekly meeting doc

Sprint Demos/Progress Report meetings

Date Presentation Vidyo Recording Notes
4/15/2016 checkin #1 Slides checkin #1 Video Recording Feedback already added in the Slides
4/29/2016 checkin #2 Slides checkin #2 Video Recording Feedback already added in the Slides
5/13/2016 checkin #3 Slides checkin #3 Video Recording Feedback already added in the Slides
5/27/2016 checkin #4 Slides checkin #4 Video Recording Feedback already added in the Slides
7/15/2016 checkin #5 Slides checkin #5 Video Recording Feedback already added in the Slides
8/05/2016 checkin #6 Slides This was a text-only update, so there is no vidyo recording or feedback.
8/19/2016 checkin #7 Slides checkin #7 Video Recording
8/31/2016 Haiku vision and strategy Haiku vision and strategy Video Recording
9/20/2016 Haiku Pivot Plan presentation Haiku Pivot : Video Recording
11/03/2016 Checkin #8 Slides Checkin #8 : Video Recording Feedback already added in the Slides
11/15/2016 Checkin #9 Slides Checkin #9 : Video Recording Feedback already added in the Slides


We are currently in a validation phase of our product innovation process. If you would like to get involved as a tester, developer or adviser, you can get in touch with our connected devices participation team.

Getting in touch

  • The best way to get in touch with us is to come and chat in our irc channel channel #haiku of and through Discourse where we have a specific discussion forum for Project Haiku together with the rest of Connected Devices Projects.

