Contextual hint about offline bookmarks

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The purpose of this wiki is to serve as a general test plan for verifying that always a prompt is shown the first/third time a user enters reader view, regardless of whether another prompt is shown.


Developer contact: Anthony Lam (:antlam), Sebastian Kaspari (:sebastian)

QA: Teodora Vermesan (:TeoVermesan)

Overall Status

[AT RISK] Nightly

[AT RISK] Aurora

[AT RISK] Beta

Testing Summary

Scope of testing

The testing will be focus on

  • verifying that always a prompt is shown the first/third time a user enters reader view, regardless of whether another prompt is shown.


Testing will be performed on following devices:

  • Phones
    • 4.x
    • 5.x
    • 6.0
  • Tablet
    • 4.x
    • 5.x
    • 6.0


  • "how to bookmark" helper UI is displayed

User stories

  • As a user, I want to be informed how to add items to reading list, after entering reader view since the "Add to RL" icon is now missing.

Acceptance Criteria

  • A prompt is shown, after user hits reader view

Testing details

- Bug 1300532 Contextual hint about offline bookmarks is displayed in normal view instead of reader view

  • Prompt

Bug Work

Tracking bugs

  • bugs to track the feature


Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
1234314 [meta] Migrate reading list to bookmarks P5 RESOLVED
1275784 Enable reader view bookmark hint up to beta -- RESOLVED

2 Total; 0 Open (0%); 2 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Still issues

[NEW] Bug 1300532 - Contextual hint about offline bookmarks is displayed in normal view instead of reader view

Bug fixed

[RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 1270880 - Update "how to bookmark" helper UI to "first time" instead of "third time"
[RESOLVED FIXED] Bug 1275784 - Enable reader view bookmark hint up to beta



  • All test cases should be executed
  • All blockers, criticals must be fixed and verified or have an agreed-upon timeline for being fixed


Nightly testing

-Contextual hint about offline bookmarks is displayed in normal view instead of reader view

Aurora testing

-Contextual hint about offline bookmarks is displayed in normal view instead of reader view

Beta testing

-Contextual hint about offline bookmarks is displayed in normal view instead of reader view