Contribute/Archive/Community Building Team

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These archived pages are for the Community Building Team, which existed during 2014. For current information about community building at Mozilla, visit Participation.

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Who are community builders?

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We are a cross-functional team of staff and volunteers who are deeply passionate about empowering people to support the Mozilla mission. We strive to connect contributors to the most impactful work of the Mozilla project.

There are community builders who are found in functional teams and local communities around the world. There is also a small team of people dedicated to supporting this larger group and increasing the capacity for participation across the project.

To get in touch with all community builders, feel free to send email to the Community Building mailing list. You can also reach out directly to the following people who support community building at Mozilla.

Our Community Building Staff (in alphabetical order)

David Boswell

Tour Guide Helping teams design for participation so that more volunteers can get involved in Mozilla. Mozillians profile

Jennie Rose Halperin

Project Manager Documents and tracks community building efforts as well as finds opportunities for collaboration between various stakeholder groups. Contributions editor of the about:Mozilla newsletter. Mozillians profile

Christie Koehler, Education Lead

Helping to drive the planning, development and implementation of Mozilla-wide educational and cultural resources that support and grow our contributor community. Mozillians profile

Current projects: CBT liaison to Web Productions, facilitates Wiki Working Group, facilitates Education Working Group, OPW mentor.

Michelle Marovich

Talent Acquisition and Community Attache Focused on helping that team partner effectively within the organization to remove our roadblocks to participation. You can talk to me about how you effectively bring people into an organization from a program perspective. Mozillians Profile

Pierros Papadeas

Community Architect Working on Community building pilots, contribution systems and data. Mozillians Profile

Larissa Shapiro

Head of Contributor Development Working on Community Building, with emphasis on building pathways for contribution by volunteers to Mozilla's top line initiatives. Mozillians Profile

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William Quiviger

Global Community Manager Working on supporting our community building efforts around the world, with a particular focus on Spaces and Events. Mozillians Profile
