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Meeting Details

  • Thursday May 5, 2010 - 8:00am Pacific, 11:00am Eastern, 15:00 UTC
  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 9364
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 9364 (US)
  • #devtools on for backchannel


  • Firebug update
    • Small problem with Firebug 1.7.1 so another beta coming tomorrow
    • John finished a new module loader that is based on iframes rather than sandboxes.
    • There was a problem with Firefox loading in the sandboxes, the iframes work.
    • Firebug is now almost all in modules and it's working fine.
  • Debugger
    • jorendorff is working on implementing the Debug Object
    • there's a user repo for it
    • works in js shell, not working in gecko at all yet
    • plan to have it done in 9 weeks
    • Firefox 7 timeframe
    • has unit tests for every single feature
    • dcamp will jettison the jsd1 prototype
    • sketching out the remote protocol implementation Remote_Debugging_Protocol
    • jimb plans to make a blog post of reasons why the Chrome debugging protocol is not a good plan
    • Chrome 10's protocol is very different from trunk's
    • not well documented and not completely well tested because Jim made Chrome crash with it
    • doesn't handle threading well
    • object lifetime not as well specified
    • Jim's protocol is more expressive, so making a shim in the direction of Chrome's protocol will be easier
    • dcamp will spin up a repo soon
  • Web Console update
    • a couple more fixes are up for review
  • Scratchpad update
    • still waiting on l10n review
    • limi agrees on the Web Developer submenu for the Mac
  • Highlighter update
    • msucan and rcampbell spent a good bit of time fixing the broken unit tests
    • still a couple more things to fix in the highlighter patch
    • after that, moving on to some other things
  • Command Line update
    • a bunch of interaction with l10n and a10y people
    • working on a page for people to try out
  • Style Inspector
    • a couple of small things left and then need to integrate with the new Highlighter
    • the new mechanism for integrating the two will be cleaner than the old
  • View source
  • Style Editing
  • HTML tree
    • wants to prototype the editing outside of Firefox
    • editing prototype is close to working
    • next step is to integrate prototype in
    • next week getify is in Italy for a conference so he'll be working more intermittently


  • e10s magic bullet is not going to be as magic
    • seamless but async interaction with objects across process boundaries
    • it may make sense to use remote debug protocol rather than message manager
    • this allows for the fennec debug case
    • remote debug protocol also has some e10s issues, dcamp will report back on that next week
  • Shipping for Firefox 6
    • about 3 weeks left
    • some web console bug fixes/improvements
    • Scratchpad
    • The Command Line (likely preffed off)
    • Style Editor? possible
  • Alex would like some more use cases for the Scratchpad (rcampbell to look at)
  • Web performance WG is talking about "page visibility"
    • document-level state that tells the JS whether the page is visible at the moment (minimized, background tab, etc.)
    • also talking about an in-between state "preview" state as well
    • do we suspend JS when the browser is not visible?
      • dcamp thinks we might raise the minimum resolution on timers, but not otherwise
    • wg wants a global property that reflects the visibility of the window (though they are concerns about privacy/security)
    • seems like a question for dev-platform
  • JSConf
    • Modules and other features
    • Chrome devtools notes
  • Code editing in the tree
    • discussion on dev-platform
    • Ehsan (built-in editor module owner) was anti-Ace because of issues around a10y and i18n
    • Orion came up as an alternative
    • Orion license is compatible
    • Could we use the built-in editor (contenteditable)?
    • rcampbell wants to set up a meeting with Ehsan to talk about the gaps
    • dcamp mentioned the developer mindprint of our codebase... having too many editors is too difficult for people to keep in mind
    • rcampbell will set up a meeting with Ehsan to discuss editors
    • our goal is to get something in the tree soon that provides a good editing experience and meets a10y and i18n needs.
  • Web Console bugs
    • Spoke about Browser Console
      • The idea is ultimately to replace the Error Console with something that works more like the Web Console but is all about displaying chrome bugs
    • three high-value relatively low-cost bugs:
    • bug 644419 limits per category
    • bug 622303 remember filter settings
    • bug 634406 Select All results in multiline input
    • go after those three and then fleshing out of console object