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  • ladybenko
  • sole
  • havi
  • jason
  • jen
  • potch
  • callahad
  • dietrich

Standing Agenda Items

Weekly Team Update from Jason

  • FxOS port to RPi2 - Any chance for that to run Gaia's TV UI? Yep!
  • APZ and E10S are both in DevEdition, and people are noticing better performance. Make sure we mention them on Hacks.
  • Engineering Managers want to make sure we're passing along user feedback. What are pain points?
  • Headcount news.

2-Minute Updates


  • Prepared talk "Surviving game jams" for game dev event this weekend in Madrid
  • Finally got the HTML 5 videos from the contractor.
  • This week:
   ** Traveling to Madrid on Friday
   ** Adapt the JS game dev talk so it's 15 mins longer (for a session in BCN the 3rd week of February)
   ** Start tinkering with webVR (need to get a phone, recommendations?)


  • use group for academic program conversation - asked that community about, and orient newcomers from mozlando to it
  • singapore debrief
  • reviewed Hacks post on WebVR
  • coordinate NYC VR program - done deal w/ one staff and one techspeaker running it. next steps: ordering viewers, and developing curriculum.
  • coordinate HackBCA - one staff and one techspeaker attending -
  • reviewed Hacks remote control api post for shiqi
  • selected cardboard model for NYC VR, ordered one to test. it was terrible.
  • techspeakers v3, v4 and meetup planning


  • attended nodebots yesterday! very exciting!
  • uploaded screencast to our channel, and none of you seem to reply to my request for feedback on the content so I'll publish it the moment you least expect it :-P
    • related it seems like youtube is not really prepared for multiple inputs from various countries
  • tried out devtools' hotreload work-in-progress feature. it's pretty cool!
  • also spoke to Bryan re SW debugging, agreed I'll wait a week or so without testing more so the features make it to nightly
  • more devtools stuff: participating on sorting out the most important gripes on debugger+console
  • I'll be away Wed-Fri celebrating birthdays in Spain. Of course the recruiter ignored my 'busy' and scheduled an interview for Wed T_T




  • Still playing catch up on email from Singapore, so apologies if I haven't replied to you
  • Lots of planning for the 3rd Tech Speaker pilot and the Phase 2 program, which will enable scaling, but requires planning and devrel participation
  • Rescheduling the all Tech Speaker meetup - moving from late April to early June/adjacent in time to LDN work week
  • Hacks blog: anticipated posts this week: Trainspotting 44 (potch); Dev Tools 46 post; E10s & APZ (post this week) ; WebVR post postponed (TW engineers in touch w/Cvan from VR team; owe a reply to Belén re: Game Jam
  • - my msg to dozens of individual inquiries post-Singapore.
  • RE Mozhacks Youtube - it is a broken workflow, but I don't know how to fix it. The channel was implemented by CHeilmann.


  • Set up Platform Ambient Displays
    • dbryant and mbest will be drunk with power and data? sure.
  • NordicJS, ScotlandJS, EmpireJS cfps
  • Trainspotting 44 hopefully out today
  • PeninsulaJS #1 was a success! 3 great speakers.
  • Still need to figure out setting up Discourse for devs and where that will live
  • Ultra-barebones Web Push example


  • Had lunch with Jeffrey Zeldman, strategizing about evangelizing layouts, design, web standards, a11y, etc in the current era
  • oh, look, I'm in Net Magazine this month:
  • kicked around more ideas for a CSS Grid overlay tool in Dev Tools:
  • planning an event at AEA Nashville, live on stage recording of The Web Ahead
  • rewrote my bio (so hard)
  • creating a new website for
  • rewatching a lot of old videos of presentations I've given, reassessing what works & doesn't


Other Topics

(Try to keep things timeboxed and concrete. E.g., can we actually make a yes/no decision in this meeting? If not, discuss on list first.)

Q & A

- A-Frame / VR in 2016? - Sole has a thought to share with you all - Are we sure about E10S in 46? According to it's been on in DE since 42 on August 10th, 2015. - Havi wrote: "RE Mozhacks Youtube - it is a broken workflow, but I don't know how to fix it. The channel was implemented by CHeilmann." — discuss?

Anything Else?