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  • potch
  • sole
  • jason
  • jen
  • belen
  • havi
  • callahad

Standing Agenda Items

Weekly Team Update from Jason

  • (Someone take notes for Jason)

2-Minute Updates


  • Going through e10s for Hacks blog
  • Reviewing APZ post that goes out this week.
  • GDC Planning Games and VR (possible WASM example)
  • Reviewed a couple of Hacks posts
  • Meeting with Platform/Firefox Project Manager weekly


  • Rehearsed talk + Attended game dev event in Madrid Fri-Sun (sent trip report already)
  • Wrote blog post at Hacks with a recompilation of the gamedev videos
  • Revamped my JS game dev talk deck
  • This Wednesday I'll travel to Braga for JS game dev talk in uni
  • Misc:
    • Already have hotel for GDC!
    • Just got today the VR set that Havi sent! I just need to get the Samsung phone


  • back from minibreak
  • will do a remote talk at MilanoGL user group
  • pretty much completely rewrote the draft on MediaRecorder article after coming back and looking at it and thinking "oh this looks too long", now it's way more streamlined


  • Travel to Mumbai for DrupalCon Asia sorted out
    • Will be meeting with :manishearth (Rust/Servo contributor). Anyone else I should meet?
  • Looked into issues with the WAVE Toolbar (accessibility testing tool) that caused them to discontinue their Firefox Add-on
  • Hacked on devrel dashboard and DrupalCon presentation
  • needs review. Halp?
  • Accepted at PyCon 2016 -- will be showing Push + ServiceWorkers to a ~300-400 person audience.

This week:

  • Finish Dashboard v1
  • Finish DurpalCon presentation
  • Informational interviews at my alma mater
  • Flying to Mumbai. Please send me book / podcast / offline game / app recommendations




  • Hacks blog last week: DE 46 with better memory tools, Game videos (thanks Belen! ) Trainspotting (thanks Potch), on deck: APZ (thanks Jason)
  • Tech Speakers: Pilot 3 planning (women's group, starts next week, Tues 10am)
  • Tech Speakers: Phase 2 - planning and proposal deck in progress. Masterclass and Labs/speaker series on Airmo.
  • Tech Speakers meetup for June 10-11 in EU, adjacent to work week.
  • This just in from one of our Tech Speakers: any guidance/suggestions? Add-ons? WebEXT?:
    • "I generally used to have a 4 Hour talk about Community Involvement in Firefox OS, Firefox OS App Dev using Web API's followed by 12 Hours of continuous coding Hackathon. Since Firefox OS for Mobile Devices is Dead I am pretty confused about How to use these 16 Hours of time effectively by getting students engaged in contribution."
  • FYI: Mood in the Mozilla contributor community now: disgruntled, dismayed, disenfranchised....


  • Is currently Sick.


Other Topics

(Try to keep things timeboxed and concrete. E.g., can we actually make a yes/no decision in this meeting? If not, discuss on list first.)

Q & A

Anything Else?

London? Is our team going to meet the week before? Can we plan that soon and lock in the dates?