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  • sole
  • jason
  • potch
  • dietrich
  • michael
  • salva
  • flaki
  • jen
  • callahad
  • gio

Standing Agenda Items

Weekly Team Update from Jason

  • Salvador de la Puente (:salva) has joined DevRel to work on Progressive Web Apps! Yay!
  • We're tabling the Event Sponsorship / Speaker Request Form questions until our website gets set up.
  • London: We're going to have a 2 hour block for just us, otherwise, plan what teams you want to meet with. Tell Jason.

Verbal Highlights

Anything blocking you? Anything interesting to report?

  • [jensimmons]: announcements at Google I/O... uh...
    • Big announcements, but what's Mozilla's place? Should we be affirming Google's vision? Working for something different? Need to come out strong using our own language, advocating for the Web as envisioned by Mozilla's Mission.
    • "They've redefined the word 'progressive'" and they're forcing URLs as an on-ramp to Android Apps instead of a discrete app store.
    • (dietrich): Two notes: 1) They can't run a conference. You could not attend sessions. 2) Nothing significant in the Keynote was actually ready, yet.
  • [sole]: Brief message from Sole
    • We should figure out how to more deeply connect with community when we're sponsoring or attending events near them. But how?
  • [callahad]: Add-on signing bypass option delayed again, until 48.
  • [salva]: working on the Google's PWA Road Trip (technical / not programmers audience:
  • [jason] Performance Observer landing in Nightly soon
  • [jensimmons]: Want more of a high-level what-are-people-doing, at a higher level than just week-by-week.
  • [sole]: Please, can we enforce shorter time bounds on digressions?

Plan for This Week

What will you do this week?

  • Sole: Present about MediaRecorder at AtTheFrontEnd in Copenhagen, Denmark. Follow up on unfinished stuff too in between (so much to do so little time!)
  • Jason: Work with Platform to figure out possible combining of advocacy dashboard
  • Flaki: finish Hackerlounge/conf followups, finish TechSpeakers session plan, prep for Oslo
  • Potch is heads down on talk writing
  • Callahad: Finish Dashboard v2, write PyCon talk
  • Dietrich: Code schools, speakers, and spreadsheets, oh my! Also, IoT meetup in Portland on Weds.

Summary of Last Week

What did you accomplish last week?


  • PTO
  • Worked on Servo Demo
  • Reviewed Belen’s post
  • Met with Yandex
  • CTO TownHall prep
  • Eclipse/Mozilla IOT meeting planning


  • Dashboard hacking + PyCon talk prep


  • Google IO



  • Working on my ScotlandJS talk!
  • Took part in a discussion about All-Hands plenary sessions
  • Talked to Martin Thomson and ekr about killing the Screen Sharing whitelist
    • It's complex and kind-of crappy from a security standpoint
    • We're working on better UI to mitigate security risk, which is good because the current UI is genuinely not good


  • presenting about MediaRecorder & browser video+audio capturing at DEVit, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • attended two local meetups
  • talked to Christos to see how can I/we better understand what the participation team can do with devrel - more about this to follow up

Jen May 15-21

  • presented at An Event Apart Boston
  • talked to Derek Featherstone about tab ordering a11y debate
  • talked in-depth with Eric Meyer about subgrids
  • met with Jen Robbins (1st ever commercial web designer) on layout innovation
  • continued scheming with Rachel Andrew
  • held CSS Layout Club meetup in NYC
  • created more demos of layouts, including a set for explaining need for Regions
  • recorded ep116 of The Web Ahead, on web architecture
  • recorded a show about CSS for Software Engineering Radio, with Stefan Tilkov
  • followed and responded to Google I/O announcements

May 8-14

  • attended 2-days of CSSWG meetings (in-person)
  • had great conversation with David Baron about priorities
  • wrote the forward for JavaScript for Web Designers, by Mat Marquis, forthcoming from A Book Apart
  • designed color set for CSS Grid Tool

May 2-7

  • published The Web Ahead 115
  • setup Basecamp for our team website project, documenting a lot more of what we talked about
  • attended CSS Working Group call, helped faciliate decision on naming scroll snappoints terminology
  • planned May CSS Layout Club with co-organizers



  • NodeSchoolDay - was in Berlin leading a nodeschool & nodebots workshop with fellow mozillians on Saturday
  • Followup and report from the JSConf Budapest Hackerlounge
  • Trying to organize a Progressive Webapps Workshop for next week in Oslo
  • Started working more closely with ViewSource Berlin team for helping out with outreach/local contacts/promotion at confs. etc.
  • Announced: On the JSKongress (Munich) conference CFP review board with Andrzej!
  • Met with RustFest EU conf team in Berlin




Other Topics

(Try to keep things timeboxed and concrete. E.g., can we actually make a yes/no decision in this meeting? If not, discuss on list first.)

Q & A

Anything Else?