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Verbal Updates

Jason's Update

(Don't let Jason start talking until someone has agreed to take notes here)

  • Send Q3 accomplishments to Jason. Reviews will be completed this week, with or without your input.
  • Meeting w/Moz Japan dev rel this week
  • Prepping for Wasm release in early 2017Q1. Build momentum with hacks posts, demos, etc.

Announcements / Requests for Help / Discussion Topics

  • [name] summary
  • [dietrich] Mac OS Sierra & SSH
    • Link please?
  • [dietrich] account
    • We have an enterprise account with that lets us create custom links; Dietrich has the credentials if you need to do that.
  • [MikeE] Tech Speakers class getting ready to graduate. MozTS have given ~119 talks so far this year.

Action Items

  • [name] action
  • Firefox 50

Potch - Directory Uploading - - Not Ready to be covered. Jason, Dan and Belen - WebGL2 - Slipped a version

Firefox 51 Dan and Belen : WebAssembly - Potch - IndexDB v2 - (Bevis Tseng in Taipei will work up some examples and write post for end of month, Potch enlisted to review)

Awaiting Web Console

Non-Verbal Updates

( Consider tracking your activity in IRC by talking to the 'rogerroger' bot in #devrel. Logs appear at )


Last week:

  • Worked with Luke Wagner to come up with a plan for the developer focused materials for WASM rollout.
  • Tracked down all Trello changes slated for 50/51 and determined status
  • Met with Google to discuss collaboration on PWAs and other joint technologies
  • Explained our current plan for Technology rollout on Tech Speaker Monthly Call
  • Met with Rensselaer to discuss collaboration -

This coming week:

  • Reviews
  • WASM Assets


Last week:

This coming week:

  • Prepare slides + assignments for the classes next week at Madrid's uni


Last week:

  • Presentation on WASM at Web Unleashed in Toronto, little bit of pickup re: the 0xc binary changes
  • Long discussion in the Toronto office with Platform and DevTools re: what our priorities are.
  • Met with one of the guys working on porting Markdown and Typogrify to Drupal 8.

This coming week:

  • Prep for PWA talk at Connect.Tech in Atlanta next week
  • Report on Q3 activity


Last week:

  • Hacked on W3D with Gio, got it working locally.
  • Hacked up Leaking Blue, using smartphone in the window to log Bluetooth devices going by. will see if anything interesting shows up in the logs.
  • More Mozfestation work to get iOS app store approval, finally made it in. Stickers ordered from Stickermule.
  • Got the credentials if anyone needs them for customizing paths in shortlinks to mozilla domains.
  • Lots of Mozfest haranguing - space coordination, equipment reqs, VR painting coordination
  • Got Vanity>Privacy>Vanity working for Mozfest - streaming WebRTC on local subnet for selfiecams
  • Chatting w/ Reps about devrel strategies
  • Safebrowsing: Nothing for developers really
  • Kicked off the Oregon State University senior capstone project to work on mobile VR/AR performance.
  • Did a lightning talk on IoT for the kickoff of PDX Science Hack Day
  • Hooked up the PSU Capstone folks with PDX office

This coming week:


Last week:

  • Did the Debugger.HTML chat last week, turned out pretty funky!
    • We did rope in some folks from the Atom team to help out with Atom integration :P
  • In Seattle/Portland for some stuff
    • Went to Seattle stop of Google's PWA Roadshow
    • It was a good, well-attended event
    • Learned a lot about Google's latest devtools tooling, we should replicate at least some b/c they're rather handy.
    • See detailed notes at
  • Been to Portland for
    • Open Source Hardware Summit
      • It was super rad! Open source and/or 3d-printed bionic hands, rockets, satellites, electronic violins
      • Was representing Tessel (+Rust) & Mozilla
    • Science Hack Day Portland
      • Missed the second day but was at the first day and it was RAD
      • See notes for tweets & excerpts

This coming week:

  • Joint MS+Moz PWA Workshop in seattle
    • With Potch & Nolan Lawson
  • Decompress.
  • Prep for Hackference next week and Mozfest
  • Starting to prep for my PWA talk in Mobile Era Oslo, got LOADS of new ideas in the last few days!


Last week:

This coming week:


Last week:

  • Contractor logistics with Flaki - updating contract, Hawaii, upcoming deliverables
  • Tech Speakers t-shirt coordination and distribution
  • Tech Speakers guest blog post draft for Denise's blog (The Eloquent Woman)
  • Tech Speakers monthly call - agenda planning, speaker recruitment, reminders etc
  • Completed editorial review & feedback of all the CFP homework submitted by Summer Pilot tech speakers (learned a great deal about the group and their interests)
  • Ran Q3 numbers for Hacks - not as bad as I thought :-)
  • Introduced Tech Speakers to the 2016 Tech Women interns at Mozilla
  • First draft update of Tech Speakers wiki to be more current and clear
  • Conversations w/Dev Marketing about hand-off of Apps & Hacks newsletter.

This coming week:

  • Ongoing outreach looking for Hacks posts - October is slow so far.
  • Take a look into DevRel
  • More conversations w/Participation about TS collaboration at events and at specific programs


Last week:

This coming week:


Last week:

  • Wrangled post-event reports for Berlin Meetup, Brazil JS, and View Source
  • Tying-up loose ends from Berlin Events (invoice, metrics)
  • Phase 2: Welcome meeting with Tech Speakers
  • Post-event survey asks
  • Q3 accomplishments

This coming week:

  • YTD budget #’s
  • Onboarding new TS graduates
  • Q4 goals


Last week:

This coming week:


Last week:

  • Scheduled a meeting with Flaki and Jason by October, 19th
  • Arrange travelling agenda: attending MozFest to talk to Samsung and Chrome Dev Summit
  • Landed cache strategies for Service Worker Cookbook
  • Draft for Hacks' post on Offline Strategies

This coming week:

  • Finish first block of teaching JavaScript
  • Prepare first exercise for the game course
  • Finish Hack's post on Offline Strategies


Last week:

This coming week: