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Feedbacker: Real-time crowd feedback for lecturers and others

Project tools

  • Mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/feedbacker or contact @siglesias (project lead) for group invite (or just to chat)!
  • Twitter hash tag: #Drumbeat #Feedbacker
  • Chat room (IRC): coming soon
  • Issue tracker: coming soon

Help this project now

File:Napkin sketch for Classroom Attention Barometer

  • We're looking for developers to join this project. What kind of developers? To do what exactly? How do they get involved?

The project in 5 sentences

  • Feedbacker lets you use mobile web browsers to get feedback from groups in real time.
  • By making it possible to reveal attention and learning states on an open-source platform using mobile devices, Feedbacker facilitates group interaction while gathering data.
  • You might use this tool in a classroom to gauge student comprehension, in a conference call to keep your co-workers on task, or to research how individuals behave in groups.
  • Existing feedback technologies (like RF clickers) are hardware-based and utilize inflexible proprietary software, whereas the Feedbacker gives anybody with a web browser customizable real-time feedback--for free.
  • You may be thinking, what about good old fashioned human interaction? Well, not everyone likes to admit it when they are confused or bored. You may be someone who prefers to sit quietly in the back. This tool is for you.
Feedbacker:  Mic'ing the back. So the feedback is more than noise.

One-page overview


Project infographic

Functionality/layout mockup we have prepared: http://bit.ly/newfeedbackermockup

Potential project names

  • Coming soon

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Comparable Solutions

  • Coming soon

Functional Specification

  • Coming soon
