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Drumbeat Berlin and Drumbeat Local Organizer Training
Berlin (Europe), May 7-8, 2010


This is the first Drumbeat event and facilitating training session in Europe.

Friday will be an event organizer and facilitation training for Drumbeat organizers from other cities including Barcelona, Florence, Sarajevo, and Veliko Tarnovo.

Saturday will be the main Drumbeat Berlin event, open to the public.


You can check out the event agenda and agenda guidelines

Feel free to add a session!

And also feel free to join the Drumbeat community mailing list and introduce yourself.

Background Materials

Venue and Date

7 May - Drumbeat Local Organizer training

  • Newthinking Store GmbH
  • Tucholskystr. 48
  • 10117 Berlin
  • Telefon | +49.30.288 73 60 6
  • Map link: http://bit.ly/9ngq8w

8 May - Drumbeat Berlin

Promotion materials

Please help us spread the word!

Download and share the flyer https://wiki.mozilla.org/images/c/c6/Drumbeat_flyer_Berlin_v3.pdf

Be a Local Drumbeat Leader – Learn How in Berlin

Will the web still be open in 100 years? Mozilla thinks it can -- and must -- be. That's why we're starting Mozilla Drumbeat, an invitation to teachers, artists, lawyers, filmmakers and other everyday internet users do things that will make the web better, and keep it open for the long haul. We want you to get involved.

Online, that means catalyzing new open web projects that address critical needs and make the Web healthier.

Offline and on, we need to build a new community that includes open web geeks, but also teachers, artists and designers, bloggers, lawyers and even enlightened people in government. We can only do that from the local level up, through face-to-face interactions.

We are calling for local leaders, people with a strong commitment to Mozilla’s vision of the Open Web to take a lead in reaching out to diverse communities in their own cities and towns. If that sounds like you, get ready to pull together a local Drumbeat event!

Local Drumbeat events are:

  • Active and participatory: we’re going to be making and building the Open Web. Less talk, more action!
  • Inviting to people who love the Web, but may not be geeks. As part of Drumbeat, people can make more than software. Videos, universal subtitling, design projects, training courses, books, and more!
  • Opportunities to weave together local networks of creative, Web-loving people and share their exciting local work with the global community.

The Mozilla events team will be supporting local event leaders through a smart kit of materials and action templates, as well as training opportunities and one-on-one support.

Over the next month, we are hosting a special program for the first wave of Drumbeat event organizers in Europe and North America. We are offering a two-day experience. On the first day, we are planning facilitator training and support in designing events that are relevant to local communities. On day two, you’ll put these skills to work immediately at a local event in your city.

Notes from May 7 Facilitator Training

Breakout #1: more doing, less talking

  • final session: grouping people together for action groups.
  • Focus on the next, concrete 10 minute action item. From getting things done – find the next action. 
  • instead of speedgeeks, consider lightening talks. Getting all the ideas out. 

Breakout #2: non-usual suspects

  • targeting: artists, teachers, etc. make a marketing strategy for each audience
  • flyering the right venues for your audience
  • choice of venue is very important. geeky spaces will bring geeky people.  think about transit accesibility.  consider trying different venues over time.
  • focus on collaborative projects that connect geeks to non-geeks.
  • Sucessful projects = earned media, news hooks, new audiences

Breakout #3: Languages

  • Online; drumbeat.org localized very important (Spanish, German, French OR many languages?).
  • How? activating the mozilla localizing community, but may not be aware of DB. Communication chain isn’t established. Example: Open to Choice produced 10 languages in one week.
  • Challenges: appropriate content - keep updates to once a week – don’t overwhelm localizers.
  • Is “Drumbeat” localizable? Perhaps it is just the brand (like Firefox). The slogan is localizeable.
  • DB Projects – as a general rule -should stay in English as the lingua franca for the development process – then localized when finished. All basic DB explanations (basic proposition of the initiative and each of the projects) need to be available in all languages. Events info should be localized.
  • Choosing scope of projects to determine the language. Example: Universal Subtitles should be localized widely.


  • At events: first idea, Mozilla rules- if someone isn’t speaking the language, speak English.
  • Second idea: In Germany, if there are 500 people, and only 1 person not speaking German maybe not good to switch to English.
  • Documentation issues- do it in the most common language. Another question of scope.  Example: In Barcelona, Italy and more: no comfort in English. Respect the local language.

Breakout #4: post-event engagement

  • Tools and documentation: mailing list, wiki page, permanent URL for the event. Develop metrics. Nominate a post-event facilitator. Telling the local story globally.
  • Nominate a project owner. They need to attend all events?
  • Don’t let lost facilitators/owners bottleneck. Find a new person.
  • Very fast turnaround.
  • Incentives: titles, naming rock stars.

How to organize events Q & A

Q: How big? A: Length – getting started? 2-3 hour meetup, more meaningful than a happy hour. ½ day event. Full day format, 10a-5p. Participants attending – daylong event should be ~75 attendees. If you get to over 75, it becomes more complex. Size constraints: venue.

Q: Talking to doing. A: events should flow over time to more practically and “doing.”

Q: Finding a venue? A: Criteria – no fixed theater/classroom seating. Sit in a circle! Only when the group expands, add a second circle. Varies by town: free spaces – co-working spaces, tech/innovation centers, community spaces, non-denominations churches, community centers, libraries, schools/unis (warning about doors locking by default), parks, beaches.  Places that cost $: hotels, bars and restaurants, art galleries. Use your network. Hack another event – as long as it has a matching theme (free speech, etc.) Get your venue agreement in writing, no hidden requirements. Be mindful of local liability law. Tap the local Mozilla network.

Q: What about funding? A: We are working on a standard cap of how much Mozilla can pay for (~$500) in exchange for documentation and follow up. We need your patience as we establish scale and scope on our budget and standardize. Local sponsorships for full or discounted venue, food highly encouraged.  What is the policy about sponsorship logos, etc.? We trust the judgment of community members, get a written agreement. We need to develop a template for a sponsorship agreement. If it costs money, consider whether you need it or can you find a workaround. We are doing $15-20 per person in the US. 

Q: Ensuring speedgeeking quality? A: Getting short answers. Keep it short - 1-3 minutes. Focus on the benefit not the inner workings of the project. Focus on questions.

Q: How to choose speedgeekers? A: Stack the deck with good projects/presenters, be open to newcomers.

Q: Paparazzi policy? A: Ask at opening circle. At scale, use a marker to say you don’t want to be documented.