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Defining the curriculum of a Master Degree on Free Software


A group of distance and non-distance education universities are working to define a common curriculum for a Free Software Master Degree. Help us decide what should be included and what shouldn't!

What do you want to achieve? (goal)

  • Discuss a common minimum curriculum for all participating institutions and interesting branches and tracks that can be completed with elective courses.

Who should come? How many? For how long? (audience)

  • University staff interesting in setting up or collaborating with a master-level programme on Free Software.
  • Anyone else interested in promoting FS in official curricula

• Any number of participants between 5 and 30

  • The discussion/brainstorm can be limited to 2h.

What will they do when they get there? (activities)

  • Share existing curricula and programmes in this area
  • Discuss the minimum content and additional / elective tracks

What will you / they have at the end? (outputs)

  • A curriculum for a full master degree on free software that can be re-organised and completed to fit different tracks on specific topics.
  • A list of interested institutions, educators and learners who wish to continue working on these topics

Additional background and context

Related links

Free Technology Academy - Taskforce International Master Programme in Free Software